eh, sebenernya gw dah nulis blog ttg ini di friendster... tp pake bahasa ing, so gw mo pake indo di sini.... lebih enak aja gitu.... bisa ngomong lebih banyak en ga usah mikir telalu lama...
oiya, hari ini mothers day loh di oz... gwbeliin flora kayak pajangan gitu deh... trus gw pasang foto gw ma dia.... kayaknya sih seneng bgt... she said it's gorgeous... syukur deh klo dy suka....
anyway... yg mo gw omongin tuh... ttg kemaren....
gw nelp temen lama gw... coba tebak sapa?! gw nelp DIO!!!
gile deh dah lama bgt ga ngomong ama tuh anak.... long lost friend...
sbenernya sih pertama2 gw mo nelp ivana, tp akhirnya putus asa, abisnya ga nyambung2...
trus gw pikir sekalian aj coba nelp dio sapa tw bisa nyambung... lagian kan gw blom ngucapin selamat ultah ke dy... gw ga bisa email dy, soalnya dah ga aktif... mo kirim surat, alamatnya ketinggalan di jkt.... anyway.... pas gw nelp.. ternyata nyambung... trus kita ngobrol lama bgt sampe satu setengah jaman gitu... lama juga ya... trus dy crita banyak.... soal ceweknya lah, soal Ria... soal nyokapnya yg mo dy balik ke indo.... etc...
trus dy juga encourage gw buat ngomong inggris.. abisnya sejak taon ini... sejak di curtin.... inggris gw menurun drastis deh kayaknya... sometimes i cant speak english properly.... parah deh.... i think he's rite... gw musti mulai tegas lagi ama diri gw n ngomong ing.... soalnya what's the point gw dateng ke sini, belajar jauh2, trus pulang2 masi aja ingnya ga lancar.... gw mo kayak ko andrew... ngomong indonya sampe ada aksen inggrisnya... hehehe....
btw, back to the topic..... seandainya gw bisa ketemu lagi ama dio en ngomong2 lagi en becanda n maen kayak dulu... bareng ria dll lagi enak bgt ya.... tp yah.. hidup emang ga se simple itu.... we'll see lah... whats happen next.... ^^
segini dulu ya... mo belajar nih... banyak tugas.... hiks....
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Friday, April 15, 2005
my 18th BeTdEy!!!
hey everyone, i wanna tell u something... today is my 18th bday!!!! ^^
i had a stressfull day but also a great fun... tday, i did my 1st oral presentation for Food Sci and Nutrition.... bout soybean... i was so stressed out... that i can't think of anything else other than soybean.... but thank God, the presentation goes well and i get a quite good mark... ^^
Today, i also feel so excited, firstly coz of my presentation, secondly coz of my bday...
my mum woke me up by phone and sang happy bday to me!! ^^ simple thing that makes me feel happy.... then, Flora (my host mum) also say happy bday.... and i got some sms from my friends.... i didn't plan anything for my bday.... eventhough for some ppl, it's a big thing, for me it's not really special.... but today, i feel really special.... ^^ when i got home from uni, the ppl in my homestay already plan everything for me.... even Angela! i also got some presents... Flora bought me a beautiful ring, Charlotte gave me a cute card, and Angela gave me a mobile hanger... Sian and both of her students (Tomoko and Claire) also come for the cake! i really enjoyed today.... and i will never forget this moment ^^ i'm so lucky to be here and have ppl who really care about me....
i had a stressfull day but also a great fun... tday, i did my 1st oral presentation for Food Sci and Nutrition.... bout soybean... i was so stressed out... that i can't think of anything else other than soybean.... but thank God, the presentation goes well and i get a quite good mark... ^^
Today, i also feel so excited, firstly coz of my presentation, secondly coz of my bday...
my mum woke me up by phone and sang happy bday to me!! ^^ simple thing that makes me feel happy.... then, Flora (my host mum) also say happy bday.... and i got some sms from my friends.... i didn't plan anything for my bday.... eventhough for some ppl, it's a big thing, for me it's not really special.... but today, i feel really special.... ^^ when i got home from uni, the ppl in my homestay already plan everything for me.... even Angela! i also got some presents... Flora bought me a beautiful ring, Charlotte gave me a cute card, and Angela gave me a mobile hanger... Sian and both of her students (Tomoko and Claire) also come for the cake! i really enjoyed today.... and i will never forget this moment ^^ i'm so lucky to be here and have ppl who really care about me....
Sunday, March 27, 2005
so sad...
i dunno why.. i become so emotional today... yesterday i felt so happy coz finally i can met some of my rocko friends esp. lucy... then, when i realise that i have to say goodbye to her... i feel so sad.... :( but i don't wanna be... i should think more positive... i know i'll meet her again in the future... i know i'm gonna miss her heaps! i feel so lucky to meet her and to be her friend.... now i know what ppl mean with friendship is the most precious thing u'll ever had... coz u can't buy a best friend... u need to find them... and believe it or not... they're always be around u....
anyway, happy easter to u all! ^^ (i feel beta now)
anyway, happy easter to u all! ^^ (i feel beta now)
Saturday, January 08, 2005
nEw YeAr... NeW LiFe!!!
banyak org yg nyangkutin taon baru dgn hidup yg baru... tapi apa bener?
klo buat gw pribadi sih, mgkn aja, tp lebih banyak nggaknya... dalam hati sih banyak janji ma diri ndiri buat jadi lebih baek n mo berubah.... tapinya, semangatnya ilang dimakan wkt tuh...
belom ada setengah taon, hidupnya dah balik lagi ke yg lama....
ternyata buat berubah n menjadi lebih baek itu susah ya... lebih enak males2 aja... n menikmati hidup dengan cara yg lama...
mmm... tapi buat taon ini, gw ga mo lagi deh.. maunya bener2 berubah.. menjadi lebih baek tentunya... lebih bisa jadi inspirasi yg baek buat org laen... moga2 aja cita2 gw taon ini bisa kesampean... AMIN... ^^
klo buat gw pribadi sih, mgkn aja, tp lebih banyak nggaknya... dalam hati sih banyak janji ma diri ndiri buat jadi lebih baek n mo berubah.... tapinya, semangatnya ilang dimakan wkt tuh...
belom ada setengah taon, hidupnya dah balik lagi ke yg lama....
ternyata buat berubah n menjadi lebih baek itu susah ya... lebih enak males2 aja... n menikmati hidup dengan cara yg lama...
mmm... tapi buat taon ini, gw ga mo lagi deh.. maunya bener2 berubah.. menjadi lebih baek tentunya... lebih bisa jadi inspirasi yg baek buat org laen... moga2 aja cita2 gw taon ini bisa kesampean... AMIN... ^^
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