Monday, November 19, 2007

random thought of the day

How many times have u seen a beautiful woman
and fall for her look...
Then, u've juz realised she's not as pretty as her look,
when u see her attitude??

it's a pity... :S


Bambang Aroengbinang said...

physical beauty is only skin deep, whilst attitude may reflect the true self, but some people do change over time, some other don't though.

Bambang Aroengbinang said...

you're right. it was from mukuge. i have put a link to your blog, hope you do the same.

suggest to put shoutbox and feedburner email subsription widget. salam.

^^baby_britz^^ said...

external beauty ga terlalu penting.

banyak ko orang yang bilang kaya gtu. hahha.

dia cuma menyilaukan sekilas saja. tapi kalo dah keliatan orangnya gimana, misalnya nyebelin, external beautynya bakal hilang juga. haha.

^^baby_britz^^ said...

eh pertanyaannya when yah?

ya kalo dah kenal.