Saturday, October 27, 2007

successful life1

havent been writing much about my life lately... hehehe :p
yea, i kindda busy these weeks, coz exam is coming....
and guess what, i also have an assignment to do!!

lagi rada melo... banyak mikir2...
kmrn ini, di greja, Ko Dj kotbah ttg successful life...
Tiap org pasti pengen sukses...
cuma masalahnya... apa sih artinya sukses??
apa jadi kaya itu bisa disebut sukses??
apa klo kita terkenal ato punya kuasa, baru disebut sukses??
hmm... ga gampang buat di-definisi-in emang...

buat gw, sukses itu ga berarti mengejar kekayaan, ketenaran, ato kekuasaan sebagai tujuan akhir hidup ini...
life's much more than that!!
so, apa sukses buat lu??

Monday, October 22, 2007

Don't regret

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

- Mark Twain

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Everything was done for YOU!!

Before the world began, you were on His mind
And every tear you cry is precious in His eyes
Because of His great love, He gave His only son
Everything was done, so you would come

Nothing you can do, could make Him love you more
And nothing that you’ve done could make Him close the door
Because of His great love, He gave His only son
Everything was done, so you would come

Come to the father though your gift is small
Broken heats, broken lives, He will take them all
The power of the world of his blood
Everything was done so you would come

Saturday, October 06, 2007

live it!! HERE.. NOW!!

(Thinking mode: ON)

Tiba2 keinget sharing temen gw kmrn...
Ttg sifat manusia yg sukanya buru2 nikmatin apa yg ada di depan (misalnya liburan yg masi 1 bulan lagi... balik indo yg masi 3 bulan lagi, etc)... en akibatnya, ga bener2 "konsen" aka hidup to the fullest saat present.. which is skrg!!
Karena pengen buru2 besok, pengen buru2 bulan depan, pengen buru2 taon depan, akhirnya kita sia2in HARI INI... Hari ini jadi di cuekin, ga bener2 dimanfaatin sebaik2nya, ga bener2 dinikmatin.. hari ini... berlalu gitu aja...

Gw jadi keinget ama pelajaran PMP wkt sd... selalu diajarin... selesein dulu tanggung jawab kita, baru tagih hak kita.... tp yg sering terjadi en gw lakuin adl, minta hak gw dulu, en tanggung jawab gw keteteran... -_-'''''

Yaahh berhubung pagi2 dah mikir kayak gini, i think i'd better not wasting my time now... mo mandi, cuci bj, kerjain at least 1 assignment.... Jia you nov!!! \\^0^//