hey everyone... it's gonna be the last night for me in melbourne for this year....
i'll go back to indo tmrw.. and will be back next february... yea.. it's gonna be a very long holiday for me.. 3 months!!! hopefully, i'll be fruitful in indo.... do sumfin useful back home... of course i'm gonna miss ya all... i'm gonna miss my independence... my friends... and the sea breeze of melbourne...
today, i spent the whole day outside... meet up wif my friends... photos taking around city... italian lunch... gelati after lunch... max brenner for dinner... hahaha... i spoilt my self too much... coz i know, i wont be able to enjoy such food in indo... but i'm sure, i wont miss those food much, coz indo has so many kinds of food to be explored... so, indo.. jakarta.. i'm comiiiinggg!!!!!!!!!! ^_^
Thursday, November 23, 2006
O God, wherever I go today
help me leave heartprints!
Heartprints of compassion, understanding, and love.
Heartprints of kindness and genuine concern.
May my heart touch a lonely neighbour
or runaway daughter or anxious mother
or even an aged grandfather.
Send me out today to leave heartprints.
And if someone should say,
"I felt your touch,"
may that one sense Your love touching through me.
Ok, mgkn dah bisa ditebak, klo tulisan di atas, bukan hasil karya gw ndiri... betul sekali!!!
Gw mgkn ga mampu merangkai kata2, sebagus doa di atas... tp doa ini ngelukisin isi hati gw... jadinya ya gw copy2 dikit boleh lah ya... hahaha.. ^0^
Jadi inget... hari ini, on the way ke city, wkt gw di tram... org yg duduk depan gw, ga tw napa keliatan sedih gt.... seorang cewek... bersama seorang cowok, yg gw assume cowoknya... tuh cewek sedih bgt deh, sampe dy nangis di tram... kayaknya shock en depress... yahh campur lah.... trus cowoknya yg nge-rub punggungnya gt... meluk dy... trus, akhirnya dy minta tissue ma org india di sebrangnya... trus tuh org india ga punya tissue yg proper, adanya paper towel... emang, klo kata org jaman dulu, "tak ada rotan, akar pun jadi", so di pake lah paper towel itu buat ngelap air matanya en bersiin idungnya... hehhe :p tp gw ga tega lah ngeliat dy gt... kan paper towel tuh kasar... untungnya gw sll bawa tissue kemana2.. so, gw bagi lah sebungkus.. toh cuma tissue... dah mo abis lagi... huehehe :p (niat ga sih?!)
trus... dy kayak kaget gt, ga nyangka kali ya gw perhatiin dari td... trus, dy bilang "thank you"...
then, juz before she got off (soalnya dy turun duluan), dy bilang thx lagi ma gw, SAMBIL SENYUM!!! ^_^ seeeeeeee..... it's important to bring tissue with u all the time!!! wakakaka... bukan itu deh intinya... intinya, gw seneng, little thing that i did, can make her smile again... ^^ padahal gwnya dah lupa.. hahaha...
Kita ga pernah tw, en sadar, apapun yg kita lakuin sll ninggalin jejak di hati org2 yg dah kita "touch" hatinya...hidupnya... juz like we left our fingerprints on everything that we touched... kita juga ninggalin heartprints on the hearts of ppl around us... ^_^ mari kita sebarkan heartprints yg indah, yg mencerminkan kasih Tuhan, di hati org2 di sekitar kita... no matter who they are...
help me leave heartprints!
Heartprints of compassion, understanding, and love.
Heartprints of kindness and genuine concern.
May my heart touch a lonely neighbour
or runaway daughter or anxious mother
or even an aged grandfather.
Send me out today to leave heartprints.
And if someone should say,
"I felt your touch,"
may that one sense Your love touching through me.
Ok, mgkn dah bisa ditebak, klo tulisan di atas, bukan hasil karya gw ndiri... betul sekali!!!
Gw mgkn ga mampu merangkai kata2, sebagus doa di atas... tp doa ini ngelukisin isi hati gw... jadinya ya gw copy2 dikit boleh lah ya... hahaha.. ^0^
Jadi inget... hari ini, on the way ke city, wkt gw di tram... org yg duduk depan gw, ga tw napa keliatan sedih gt.... seorang cewek... bersama seorang cowok, yg gw assume cowoknya... tuh cewek sedih bgt deh, sampe dy nangis di tram... kayaknya shock en depress... yahh campur lah.... trus cowoknya yg nge-rub punggungnya gt... meluk dy... trus, akhirnya dy minta tissue ma org india di sebrangnya... trus tuh org india ga punya tissue yg proper, adanya paper towel... emang, klo kata org jaman dulu, "tak ada rotan, akar pun jadi", so di pake lah paper towel itu buat ngelap air matanya en bersiin idungnya... hehhe :p tp gw ga tega lah ngeliat dy gt... kan paper towel tuh kasar... untungnya gw sll bawa tissue kemana2.. so, gw bagi lah sebungkus.. toh cuma tissue... dah mo abis lagi... huehehe :p (niat ga sih?!)
trus... dy kayak kaget gt, ga nyangka kali ya gw perhatiin dari td... trus, dy bilang "thank you"...
then, juz before she got off (soalnya dy turun duluan), dy bilang thx lagi ma gw, SAMBIL SENYUM!!! ^_^ seeeeeeee..... it's important to bring tissue with u all the time!!! wakakaka... bukan itu deh intinya... intinya, gw seneng, little thing that i did, can make her smile again... ^^ padahal gwnya dah lupa.. hahaha...
Kita ga pernah tw, en sadar, apapun yg kita lakuin sll ninggalin jejak di hati org2 yg dah kita "touch" hatinya...hidupnya... juz like we left our fingerprints on everything that we touched... kita juga ninggalin heartprints on the hearts of ppl around us... ^_^ mari kita sebarkan heartprints yg indah, yg mencerminkan kasih Tuhan, di hati org2 di sekitar kita... no matter who they are...
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
romantic movies...
duhhh sumtimes i hate romantic movies... it's all juz a lie...
hahaha... sedih bgt ya gw... segitu desperado-nya kah, sampe menghina klo kejadian2 di film romantis itu ga ada di dunia nyata??
baru aja selese nonton satu romantic drama... judulnya "The Family Stone"...
filmnya ga romantis smua sih.... ada yg nyinggung2 ttg kebersamaan keluarga... pokoknya film tipenya gw banget deh... bisa ngocok2 perasaan gw... bentar gw bisa ketawa, bentar ikutan netesin air mata, bentar bisa kesel2 juga, bisa deg2an juga, bisa berbunga2 juga... hahaha...
Hebat ya... film itu klo ntn-nya bener2 dihayatin, kita bisa serasa ada di dalamnya..
tp gimana pun, film itu semu... esp klo film romantis...
Walopun gw suka ma film ini... gw tetep aja suka mengritik dalem hati....
contohnya, wkt adegan love at the 1st sight.... gw ga percaya ma yg namanya love at the 1st sight... masa seorang cowok, bisa dengan gampangnya ninggalin ceweknya yg dah hampir mau dia lamar, demi seorang cewek yg baru dia kenal beberapa hari?? pokoknya ga make sense deh.. tp tetep aja, wkt adegan cowok itu ngejar cewek yg dy suka itu, gw jg ikutan deg2an... wkt tuh cowok di tolak, gw ikut ngerasa sedih... wkt mereka akhirnya jadian... gw ikut tersenyum... pokoknya, segimana pun nih film ga make any sense, tetep aja gw suka... hahaha... abisnya ntnnya ga usa mikir.... daripada klo dibandingin ma "The Prestige"... td baru aja dari Knox City, buat ntn... duhhh filmnya sih bagus, yg maen juga lumayan buat cuci mata.... tp capek euy!! musti mikir en konsen gitu... LoL... maklum, otak gw cuti buat sementara sejak exam dah selese... :p
back to the topic, apa yg bikin gw sebel klo ntn romantic movies??
itu loh... perasaan kayak kesepian.. kayaknya desperado bgt... karena jomblo itu ga ada di kamus-nya romantic movies.... makanya gw sebel... hahaha... tp gpp lah, gw tetep suka... :p
apalagi yg gw sebelin?? romantic movies tuh, cuma suka nonjolin sisi2 bagusnya suatu percintaan... pokoknya yg dikasi liat tuh yg hepi2 doank... smua kesusahan yg org2 normal alamin di dunia nyata, ga dikasi liat... jadi, secara ga langsung, romantic movies tuh bikin mata org2 (esp. cewe2) jadi buta... yg dikejar cuma romantisme doank... padahal sebuah relationship is more than a romantism... ga pernah kepikiran kan ttg masalah keuangan?? tentang agama?? tentang beda pendapat... beda tradisi... beda keluarga... etc2... pokoknya jeleknya, susahnya, tantangan2 yg ada di kehidupan nyata, ga pernah dimunculin deh di romantic movies... jadinya klo keseringan ntn film model kayak gini, bisa bahaya juga loh.... bisa jadi racun... jadi ati2 ya... esp. cewe2 remaja... hehehe :p
PS: walo gw kesannya memandang negative pada romantic movies... gw tetep suka loh!!! hehehe :p
hahaha... sedih bgt ya gw... segitu desperado-nya kah, sampe menghina klo kejadian2 di film romantis itu ga ada di dunia nyata??
baru aja selese nonton satu romantic drama... judulnya "The Family Stone"...
filmnya ga romantis smua sih.... ada yg nyinggung2 ttg kebersamaan keluarga... pokoknya film tipenya gw banget deh... bisa ngocok2 perasaan gw... bentar gw bisa ketawa, bentar ikutan netesin air mata, bentar bisa kesel2 juga, bisa deg2an juga, bisa berbunga2 juga... hahaha...
Hebat ya... film itu klo ntn-nya bener2 dihayatin, kita bisa serasa ada di dalamnya..
tp gimana pun, film itu semu... esp klo film romantis...
Walopun gw suka ma film ini... gw tetep aja suka mengritik dalem hati....
contohnya, wkt adegan love at the 1st sight.... gw ga percaya ma yg namanya love at the 1st sight... masa seorang cowok, bisa dengan gampangnya ninggalin ceweknya yg dah hampir mau dia lamar, demi seorang cewek yg baru dia kenal beberapa hari?? pokoknya ga make sense deh.. tp tetep aja, wkt adegan cowok itu ngejar cewek yg dy suka itu, gw jg ikutan deg2an... wkt tuh cowok di tolak, gw ikut ngerasa sedih... wkt mereka akhirnya jadian... gw ikut tersenyum... pokoknya, segimana pun nih film ga make any sense, tetep aja gw suka... hahaha... abisnya ntnnya ga usa mikir.... daripada klo dibandingin ma "The Prestige"... td baru aja dari Knox City, buat ntn... duhhh filmnya sih bagus, yg maen juga lumayan buat cuci mata.... tp capek euy!! musti mikir en konsen gitu... LoL... maklum, otak gw cuti buat sementara sejak exam dah selese... :p
back to the topic, apa yg bikin gw sebel klo ntn romantic movies??
itu loh... perasaan kayak kesepian.. kayaknya desperado bgt... karena jomblo itu ga ada di kamus-nya romantic movies.... makanya gw sebel... hahaha... tp gpp lah, gw tetep suka... :p
apalagi yg gw sebelin?? romantic movies tuh, cuma suka nonjolin sisi2 bagusnya suatu percintaan... pokoknya yg dikasi liat tuh yg hepi2 doank... smua kesusahan yg org2 normal alamin di dunia nyata, ga dikasi liat... jadi, secara ga langsung, romantic movies tuh bikin mata org2 (esp. cewe2) jadi buta... yg dikejar cuma romantisme doank... padahal sebuah relationship is more than a romantism... ga pernah kepikiran kan ttg masalah keuangan?? tentang agama?? tentang beda pendapat... beda tradisi... beda keluarga... etc2... pokoknya jeleknya, susahnya, tantangan2 yg ada di kehidupan nyata, ga pernah dimunculin deh di romantic movies... jadinya klo keseringan ntn film model kayak gini, bisa bahaya juga loh.... bisa jadi racun... jadi ati2 ya... esp. cewe2 remaja... hehehe :p
PS: walo gw kesannya memandang negative pada romantic movies... gw tetep suka loh!!! hehehe :p
Monday, November 20, 2006
This posting i dedicated to my girlfriends...
I've juz finished watching a movie, called "Friends with Money"...
one scene that draw my attention is when there were a couple in the car, they were juz get back from a gathering... the wife has had a really bad day... and keep winging about everything... she was very down, and felt ugly... but once when her husband try to cheer her up, and said that she was the prettiest in that gathering, she smiled and felt much better... she juz stop winging...
It makes me think... when guys said that girls are complicated, actually, we're not that complicated... we're simple enuf that such a little thing, can make us become the happiest person... ^^ and make me also realise that the heart of a girl is very2 soft that such a simple thing can touch her heart so easily...
I never really realise it, but i guess to be called pretty or beautiful is important for girls (or women)... if it isnt, why girls can spend so much money juz for clothings and make ups? or for their hair... or for their faces?? it's all to make them feel beautiful... and confident...
if it isnt, why to be called beautiful can create a smile and a glow in their eyes??
So, i think it is important and does make women feel special...
But for me personally... to be called pretty once in a while, when u do feel that u are, or when u dont... is a sweet little gift... but if it is said too often.... especially u know that the person who says it didn't really meant it, it is such an insult... and in indonesian, i'll call it "gombal"!!! hahaha ^0^ don't u agree, gals??!!
Note for guys:
Dont ever say to a woman that she is pretty when u dont think so, or when u dont meant it...
and when u do think that a woman looks pretty (can be anyone, ur sister, your mum, your friend, your girlfriend), tell her... coz she deserves it! ^^
I've juz finished watching a movie, called "Friends with Money"...
one scene that draw my attention is when there were a couple in the car, they were juz get back from a gathering... the wife has had a really bad day... and keep winging about everything... she was very down, and felt ugly... but once when her husband try to cheer her up, and said that she was the prettiest in that gathering, she smiled and felt much better... she juz stop winging...
It makes me think... when guys said that girls are complicated, actually, we're not that complicated... we're simple enuf that such a little thing, can make us become the happiest person... ^^ and make me also realise that the heart of a girl is very2 soft that such a simple thing can touch her heart so easily...
I never really realise it, but i guess to be called pretty or beautiful is important for girls (or women)... if it isnt, why girls can spend so much money juz for clothings and make ups? or for their hair... or for their faces?? it's all to make them feel beautiful... and confident...
if it isnt, why to be called beautiful can create a smile and a glow in their eyes??
So, i think it is important and does make women feel special...
But for me personally... to be called pretty once in a while, when u do feel that u are, or when u dont... is a sweet little gift... but if it is said too often.... especially u know that the person who says it didn't really meant it, it is such an insult... and in indonesian, i'll call it "gombal"!!! hahaha ^0^ don't u agree, gals??!!
Note for guys:
Dont ever say to a woman that she is pretty when u dont think so, or when u dont meant it...
and when u do think that a woman looks pretty (can be anyone, ur sister, your mum, your friend, your girlfriend), tell her... coz she deserves it! ^^
Saturday, November 18, 2006
wanna be alone
skrg dah mlm.. hampir jam 12 mlm... en gw blm tdr, walo gw dah ngantuk bgt...
hari ini dah sibuk seharian dengan hal2 yg ga penting... gw ga ngapa2in, tp rasanya capek bgt....
i've been surrounded by many friends today, but when the nite comes and i sit alone tonite... i felt loneliness... not the same loneliness that i felt before... it's the one when i'm far from Him... ga tw gimana jelasinnya.. rasanya ada yg ilang... ada yg kurang... mo sepenuh gimana pun, tetep aja ada kosongnya....
hari ini, bisa dibilang hidup gw penuh keramaian.... dari pagi dah ngobrol di telp, gw cuap2 dengan serunya... trus pas siangan, temen gw dateng, bikin kue bareng, trus gw xcel... rame2 juga... smua ngobrol, becanda2... tp, rasanya gw cuma pengen suatu kesunyian, suatu ketenangan... gw pengen sendiri... dah lama rasanya gw ga bener2 sendiri yg ga diganggu oleh pikiran apapun... i juz wanna be alone and spend my time with Him.... kangen saat2 itu... rasanya dah beberapa hari belakangan, gw ga pernah bener2 nyempetin diri buat Dia doank... gw telalu disibukin ama ini-itu, yg bener2 ga penting... yaa... this time, He called me, and I simply be still, listen, and said... "Yes, Father, i'm here... ready to listen to You..."
hari ini dah sibuk seharian dengan hal2 yg ga penting... gw ga ngapa2in, tp rasanya capek bgt....
i've been surrounded by many friends today, but when the nite comes and i sit alone tonite... i felt loneliness... not the same loneliness that i felt before... it's the one when i'm far from Him... ga tw gimana jelasinnya.. rasanya ada yg ilang... ada yg kurang... mo sepenuh gimana pun, tetep aja ada kosongnya....
hari ini, bisa dibilang hidup gw penuh keramaian.... dari pagi dah ngobrol di telp, gw cuap2 dengan serunya... trus pas siangan, temen gw dateng, bikin kue bareng, trus gw xcel... rame2 juga... smua ngobrol, becanda2... tp, rasanya gw cuma pengen suatu kesunyian, suatu ketenangan... gw pengen sendiri... dah lama rasanya gw ga bener2 sendiri yg ga diganggu oleh pikiran apapun... i juz wanna be alone and spend my time with Him.... kangen saat2 itu... rasanya dah beberapa hari belakangan, gw ga pernah bener2 nyempetin diri buat Dia doank... gw telalu disibukin ama ini-itu, yg bener2 ga penting... yaa... this time, He called me, and I simply be still, listen, and said... "Yes, Father, i'm here... ready to listen to You..."
Thursday, November 16, 2006
hiks..... gara2 gw bandel, suka coba isenk2 klik sana sini... comments2 di blog gw ilang!!!
duhhh knp ya gw panikan bgt?? sebel juga sih kadang2...
sebenernya gw lagi mo isenk2 coba ganti2 template.. kirain bisa diganti balik...
tp ternyata wkt mo gw balikin, tidak bisa.... karena ada kekurangan di template gw yg lama...
gw ga ngerti deh apaan penyebabnya... duh.... gw kok gaptek bgt ya??
hiks.... (buat org yg sudah repot2 gantiin skin blog gw wkt dulu, maaph ya...) >_<
hiks..... gara2 gw bandel, suka coba isenk2 klik sana sini... comments2 di blog gw ilang!!!
duhhh knp ya gw panikan bgt?? sebel juga sih kadang2...
sebenernya gw lagi mo isenk2 coba ganti2 template.. kirain bisa diganti balik...
tp ternyata wkt mo gw balikin, tidak bisa.... karena ada kekurangan di template gw yg lama...
gw ga ngerti deh apaan penyebabnya... duh.... gw kok gaptek bgt ya??
hiks.... (buat org yg sudah repot2 gantiin skin blog gw wkt dulu, maaph ya...) >_<
exam is over...
hey everyone!!! have i told you that my exam is over?? if i havent, there you go... i've told u juz now... btw... (switch to indo).. dah selese exam, klo temen2 lu pada blm selese, ada ga enaknya loh... selaen lu ga ada yg nemenin, rasanya ngerasa bersalah juga "haha-hihi" while di suatu tempat yg laen, temen2 kita lagi pada stress belajar buat exam... gitu deh yg lagi gw rasain...
Hari ini, bener2 sibuk all day... sibuk dalem tanda kutip... keluar rumah, makan diluar, jalan2 keliling city, trus ke pantai... trus pulang... rasanya dah lama bgt ga sebebas ini... td sempet ke uni bentar, ngurusin enrolment... rasanya aneh, pergi ke uni, bukan dengan tujuan untuk belajar... soalnya selama ini kan uni diidentikkan dengan belajar... jadi rasanya aneh deh ke uni tp ga belajar... hehehe :p
Oiya, bentar lagi gw juga bakal balik indo.... jadi kemungkinan gw bakal lama nge-blog... hehehe :p well, buat yg ga tw, di indo tuh internetnya lelet abis... buat connect aja dah setengah mati... jadi gw bakalan males lah ngepost... hehehe :p duhhh dah ga tahan pengen bgt pulang... walo di indo bakal panas... bakal ga sebebas di sini... bakal bosen in the end... there's no other place like home... gimana pun.. home tetep aja the best!!! ^^ apalagi smua keluarga gw ada di sana... dah kangen ma smuanya!!! walo gw tw sih, pas ketemu ade2 gw, pasti bakal berantem juga... hehehe.. namanya juga sodara.. saking kentelnya darah, ada yg kurang klo ga berantem.... hehehe :p
udah deh... sekian dulu postingan gw... ga penting sih ya isinya??
laen kali gw nulis sesuatu yg lebi ninggalin kesan en ngasi pelajaran deh.. sekali2 gw break dari ''mikir'' kan bole kan?? hehehe... ciao!!!
Hari ini, bener2 sibuk all day... sibuk dalem tanda kutip... keluar rumah, makan diluar, jalan2 keliling city, trus ke pantai... trus pulang... rasanya dah lama bgt ga sebebas ini... td sempet ke uni bentar, ngurusin enrolment... rasanya aneh, pergi ke uni, bukan dengan tujuan untuk belajar... soalnya selama ini kan uni diidentikkan dengan belajar... jadi rasanya aneh deh ke uni tp ga belajar... hehehe :p
Oiya, bentar lagi gw juga bakal balik indo.... jadi kemungkinan gw bakal lama nge-blog... hehehe :p well, buat yg ga tw, di indo tuh internetnya lelet abis... buat connect aja dah setengah mati... jadi gw bakalan males lah ngepost... hehehe :p duhhh dah ga tahan pengen bgt pulang... walo di indo bakal panas... bakal ga sebebas di sini... bakal bosen in the end... there's no other place like home... gimana pun.. home tetep aja the best!!! ^^ apalagi smua keluarga gw ada di sana... dah kangen ma smuanya!!! walo gw tw sih, pas ketemu ade2 gw, pasti bakal berantem juga... hehehe.. namanya juga sodara.. saking kentelnya darah, ada yg kurang klo ga berantem.... hehehe :p
udah deh... sekian dulu postingan gw... ga penting sih ya isinya??
laen kali gw nulis sesuatu yg lebi ninggalin kesan en ngasi pelajaran deh.. sekali2 gw break dari ''mikir'' kan bole kan?? hehehe... ciao!!!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
u r special to me
I'll be straight to the point this time...
before u read any further...
if u love sumone... if u think that sumbody is special to you...
i recommend u to tell that person how much you love him/her...
and tell them how special they are... what make them special and loved...
Why did i write those paragraph above??
i've juz read the story about sumone who love her dad, and her family always celebrate her father's bday on the Thanksgiving day... on his last bday (her dad was very old already), her family celebrated it in the nursing home... and she got the idea to let everyone, every member of the family to tell her father what they like and love about him... so they shared all the stories, memories, smile and laughter on that day... and the most important thing is, they did it as her father still alive, so that he listened to it... and be able to share it with the ppl that he loved...
Sumtimes, it's often too late when we realise that we havent told the people that we love how special they are... and believe it or not, to be told that u r special, that somebody loves u, that u r always be thought of, that there's sumthin in you that is special... is the most wonderful gift you'll ever received and the best gift u'll ever given... it doesn't even cost a cent...
Words do matter, and they are enough. We just need to say them, to speak them publicly to the ones we love, for everyone else to hear. That's the way to give back love, and our chance to celebrate a person in life.
before u read any further...
if u love sumone... if u think that sumbody is special to you...
i recommend u to tell that person how much you love him/her...
and tell them how special they are... what make them special and loved...
Why did i write those paragraph above??
i've juz read the story about sumone who love her dad, and her family always celebrate her father's bday on the Thanksgiving day... on his last bday (her dad was very old already), her family celebrated it in the nursing home... and she got the idea to let everyone, every member of the family to tell her father what they like and love about him... so they shared all the stories, memories, smile and laughter on that day... and the most important thing is, they did it as her father still alive, so that he listened to it... and be able to share it with the ppl that he loved...
Sumtimes, it's often too late when we realise that we havent told the people that we love how special they are... and believe it or not, to be told that u r special, that somebody loves u, that u r always be thought of, that there's sumthin in you that is special... is the most wonderful gift you'll ever received and the best gift u'll ever given... it doesn't even cost a cent...
Words do matter, and they are enough. We just need to say them, to speak them publicly to the ones we love, for everyone else to hear. That's the way to give back love, and our chance to celebrate a person in life.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
When love takes you in
I know you’ve heard the stories
But they all sound too good to be true
You’ve heard about a place called home
But there doesn’t seem to be one for you
So one more night you cry yourself to sleep
And drift off to a distant dream
Where love takes you in and everything changes
A miracle starts with the beat of a heart
When love takes you home and says you belong here
The loneliness ends and a new life begins
When love takes you in
And somewhere while you’re sleeping
Someone else is dreaming too
Counting down the days until
They hold you close and say I love you
And like the rain that falls into the sea
In a moment what has been is lost in what will be
When love takes you in everything changes
A miracle starts with the beat of a heart
And this love will never let you go
There is nothing that could ever
cause this love to lose its hold
When love takes you in everything changes
A miracle starts with the beat of a heart
When love takes you home and says you belong here
The loneliness ends and a new life begins
When love takes you in it takes you in for good
When love takes you in
Emang.. there's no other place like home...
kok jadi excited mo pulang ya gw?? hehehe :p
ps: keracunan poink nih, jadi suka lagu ini...
But they all sound too good to be true
You’ve heard about a place called home
But there doesn’t seem to be one for you
So one more night you cry yourself to sleep
And drift off to a distant dream
Where love takes you in and everything changes
A miracle starts with the beat of a heart
When love takes you home and says you belong here
The loneliness ends and a new life begins
When love takes you in
And somewhere while you’re sleeping
Someone else is dreaming too
Counting down the days until
They hold you close and say I love you
And like the rain that falls into the sea
In a moment what has been is lost in what will be
When love takes you in everything changes
A miracle starts with the beat of a heart
And this love will never let you go
There is nothing that could ever
cause this love to lose its hold
When love takes you in everything changes
A miracle starts with the beat of a heart
When love takes you home and says you belong here
The loneliness ends and a new life begins
When love takes you in it takes you in for good
When love takes you in
Emang.. there's no other place like home...
kok jadi excited mo pulang ya gw?? hehehe :p
ps: keracunan poink nih, jadi suka lagu ini...
i dunno wot i'm doin...
by 2pm today, i'll be in the examination room...
and guess what?? i havent finished studying... yet i dont feel like studying...
and it's almost 3am now.... there's no sign that i'll be sleeping soon...
geez... hate this exam period... luckily, tmrw is my last.... and then i'm free!!
but before that freedom, i still need to work hard now...
jiayou noph!!! ^^
by 2pm today, i'll be in the examination room...
and guess what?? i havent finished studying... yet i dont feel like studying...
and it's almost 3am now.... there's no sign that i'll be sleeping soon...
geez... hate this exam period... luckily, tmrw is my last.... and then i'm free!!
but before that freedom, i still need to work hard now...
jiayou noph!!! ^^
Monday, November 13, 2006
Message from The Creator
Message from The Creator
When I created heaven and earth I said the words and there created heaven and earth.
When I created man, I formed him and blow the breath of life into his nostrils. But you, woman, I decorated you after I have blown into the nostrils of man because yours are too delicate.
I let the man fell sound asleep so that I could patiently and perfectly formed you. I have let the man fallen asleep so that he did not interfere with My works.
I decorated you from one chosen bone. I picked the bone which gave the man a protection for his life. I picked the rib that protected and supported the heart and the lungs, the functions that exactly you must do. From this very bone I formed you perfectly and beautifully.
You nature is that of a rib, strong but delicate and fragile. You provide a protection to the most delicate organs of the man - his heart and lungs. His heart is the center of his life, his lungs hold the breath of life. A rib will let itself be broken before it lets damage to destroy the heart. Support the man in such a way that a rib protects his body.
You were not picked up from his leg to be stepped on, nor were you picked up from his head to be his boss. You were picked up from his side, to stand beside him and to be hugged. You are My perfect angel. You are my pretty little girl. You have grown up to be a perfect woman, and My eyes are satisfied when I see your heart.
Your eyes -- don't ever change them. Your lips are so beautiful when used to say a prayer. Your nose is so perfect in shape. Your hands are so soft to the touch. I have given so much attention to the details of your face when you were asleep. I hold your heart close to Mine. Of all the living things that breathe, you resemble Me the most.
Adam walked with me in a cold day and he was lonely. He could neither see nor touch Me. He could only feel My presence. All that I wanted to share with Adam I formed it inside of you. My strength, My purity, My love, My protection and My support. You are special as you are the extension of My hands.
The man represents My image - the woman, My feelings. Together... you two represent the true GOD.
Man - treat the woman nicely. Love her, respect her, because she is so tender. To hurt her is to hurt Me. Whatever you do to her you do it to Me. If you break her you're only breaking your own heart, your FATHER's heart... which is also her FATHER's.
Woman - support the man. In modesty, show him the strength of your feelings that I have given to you. In solitude, show him your strength. In love, show him that you indeed are his protective rib.
When I created heaven and earth I said the words and there created heaven and earth.
When I created man, I formed him and blow the breath of life into his nostrils. But you, woman, I decorated you after I have blown into the nostrils of man because yours are too delicate.
I let the man fell sound asleep so that I could patiently and perfectly formed you. I have let the man fallen asleep so that he did not interfere with My works.
I decorated you from one chosen bone. I picked the bone which gave the man a protection for his life. I picked the rib that protected and supported the heart and the lungs, the functions that exactly you must do. From this very bone I formed you perfectly and beautifully.
You nature is that of a rib, strong but delicate and fragile. You provide a protection to the most delicate organs of the man - his heart and lungs. His heart is the center of his life, his lungs hold the breath of life. A rib will let itself be broken before it lets damage to destroy the heart. Support the man in such a way that a rib protects his body.
You were not picked up from his leg to be stepped on, nor were you picked up from his head to be his boss. You were picked up from his side, to stand beside him and to be hugged. You are My perfect angel. You are my pretty little girl. You have grown up to be a perfect woman, and My eyes are satisfied when I see your heart.
Your eyes -- don't ever change them. Your lips are so beautiful when used to say a prayer. Your nose is so perfect in shape. Your hands are so soft to the touch. I have given so much attention to the details of your face when you were asleep. I hold your heart close to Mine. Of all the living things that breathe, you resemble Me the most.
Adam walked with me in a cold day and he was lonely. He could neither see nor touch Me. He could only feel My presence. All that I wanted to share with Adam I formed it inside of you. My strength, My purity, My love, My protection and My support. You are special as you are the extension of My hands.
The man represents My image - the woman, My feelings. Together... you two represent the true GOD.
Man - treat the woman nicely. Love her, respect her, because she is so tender. To hurt her is to hurt Me. Whatever you do to her you do it to Me. If you break her you're only breaking your own heart, your FATHER's heart... which is also her FATHER's.
Woman - support the man. In modesty, show him the strength of your feelings that I have given to you. In solitude, show him your strength. In love, show him that you indeed are his protective rib.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
lesson of life...
hmm... havent been sending a posting for a while... hehehe :p
i guess i juz had a little break from this blogging world...
few things happened today...
my best friend celebrates her bday...
and the same as last year, i'm not able to be around her... :(
and i heard then read the news that Belinda (Rove McManus's wife) has just passed away...
she was diagnosed wif a cancer and has been fighting for 8 years... and the cancer won...
not a happy ending really... i hate it when it's not as what we expected...
it's funny how we often think that we gonna live forever... and when the time comes, and the ppl that we love leave us from this world, we r so surprised and unprepared...
Anyway... look at the bright side... at least she's not suffering anymore... :)
and the good thing is, she has done a lot of good things when she lives in this world... (that's the point of our lives)... she has touched so many lives and be a good example for those around her... she has lived her life with dignity and courage...
all these reminded me to live my life to the fullest...
yea.. i often forget how important a life is... so many things that i can do...
but i kept on looking at the things that i couldnt do and regret it...
another lesson that i've learnt... look at the things that i can do, and DO IT!!
make my life useful for others... touch as many lives as possible... and be a good example....
i guess i juz had a little break from this blogging world...
few things happened today...
my best friend celebrates her bday...
and the same as last year, i'm not able to be around her... :(
and i heard then read the news that Belinda (Rove McManus's wife) has just passed away...
she was diagnosed wif a cancer and has been fighting for 8 years... and the cancer won...
not a happy ending really... i hate it when it's not as what we expected...
it's funny how we often think that we gonna live forever... and when the time comes, and the ppl that we love leave us from this world, we r so surprised and unprepared...
Anyway... look at the bright side... at least she's not suffering anymore... :)
and the good thing is, she has done a lot of good things when she lives in this world... (that's the point of our lives)... she has touched so many lives and be a good example for those around her... she has lived her life with dignity and courage...
all these reminded me to live my life to the fullest...
yea.. i often forget how important a life is... so many things that i can do...
but i kept on looking at the things that i couldnt do and regret it...
another lesson that i've learnt... look at the things that i can do, and DO IT!!
make my life useful for others... touch as many lives as possible... and be a good example....
Thursday, November 09, 2006
poem ga jelas
sumtimes what we see
doesnt go with what we feel...
and what we feel,
doesnt go with what we see...
it seemed far,
but it felt close...
but when it seemed close,
it felt so farrr away....
out of reach... neither my hand nor my heart...
sumtimes follow the heart is not the best answer
neither following the mind...
sumtimes confusion is so strong...
cannot choose... dont want to take a decision...
leave it there where it is
and I stay where I am...
doesnt go with what we feel...
and what we feel,
doesnt go with what we see...
it seemed far,
but it felt close...
but when it seemed close,
it felt so farrr away....
out of reach... neither my hand nor my heart...
sumtimes follow the heart is not the best answer
neither following the mind...
sumtimes confusion is so strong...
cannot choose... dont want to take a decision...
leave it there where it is
and I stay where I am...
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
gini aja bingung...
hari ini... baru selese another exam...
not too bad, but not too good either... intinya sih gw jawab smua... tp, ga tw deh hasilnya gimana... klo bisa pass, gw dah seneng... aniwei, td abis exam, ternyata vq nungguin gw.. biasanya kan dy lgs pulang.. trus, lgs ngajakin gw makan... trus, gwnya bilang ga bisa... karena gw dah janji mo makan ma temen gw yg laen... tp gw feel bad ma dy... dah berapa kali gw ga jadi ke rmh dy, bilang mo belajar bareng, gagal mulu... trusnya, dy becanda sih kayak biasa... bilang gw sombong lah... dy sebel ma gw lah.. tp ga tw napa, gw rasa gw lagi telalu sensi, smuanya gw masukin ke ati... dasar tuh anak, bikin gw makin ngerasa bersalah aja... akhirnya sih dy nelp temennya yg laen, ngajak makan bareng... trus gw ngeloyor pergi, mojok di computer lab.. ngetik nih posting... hehehe :p gw decide, buat ga makan sama dua2nya... tw sih, bodoh... tp... it makes me feel good... i know to sacrifice myself wont do anybody any good, but it makes me feel not so guilty... :p
udaaa... forget it... posting ga penting... hehehe :p
not too bad, but not too good either... intinya sih gw jawab smua... tp, ga tw deh hasilnya gimana... klo bisa pass, gw dah seneng... aniwei, td abis exam, ternyata vq nungguin gw.. biasanya kan dy lgs pulang.. trus, lgs ngajakin gw makan... trus, gwnya bilang ga bisa... karena gw dah janji mo makan ma temen gw yg laen... tp gw feel bad ma dy... dah berapa kali gw ga jadi ke rmh dy, bilang mo belajar bareng, gagal mulu... trusnya, dy becanda sih kayak biasa... bilang gw sombong lah... dy sebel ma gw lah.. tp ga tw napa, gw rasa gw lagi telalu sensi, smuanya gw masukin ke ati... dasar tuh anak, bikin gw makin ngerasa bersalah aja... akhirnya sih dy nelp temennya yg laen, ngajak makan bareng... trus gw ngeloyor pergi, mojok di computer lab.. ngetik nih posting... hehehe :p gw decide, buat ga makan sama dua2nya... tw sih, bodoh... tp... it makes me feel good... i know to sacrifice myself wont do anybody any good, but it makes me feel not so guilty... :p
udaaa... forget it... posting ga penting... hehehe :p
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
sumfin missing
There's sumfin missing today...
i lost my interest in writing....
knp ya?? ini gw nulis cuma gara2 lagi bosen aja... baru belajar bentar, dah bosen, padahal examnya besok.. duhhh mo jadi apa gw ntar?? skrg aja malesnya dah ga ketulungan.... really can't wait till all these done... but i know, when i finally graduated, i'll miss this moment... exam moments... lack of sleep moment... try to cram everything in one nite... so, i'll try to enjoy every second of it, coz time won't turn back....
i lost my interest in writing....
knp ya?? ini gw nulis cuma gara2 lagi bosen aja... baru belajar bentar, dah bosen, padahal examnya besok.. duhhh mo jadi apa gw ntar?? skrg aja malesnya dah ga ketulungan.... really can't wait till all these done... but i know, when i finally graduated, i'll miss this moment... exam moments... lack of sleep moment... try to cram everything in one nite... so, i'll try to enjoy every second of it, coz time won't turn back....
Sunday, November 05, 2006
tong kosong nyaring loh!
Pasti pernah denger kan pribahasa yg bilang, ''Tong kosong, nyaring bunyinya''??
Belakangan... kepikiran aja sih, rasanya gw kayak tong yg kosong... alias banyak ngomong, tp ga banyak isi... laen bgt ma org2 yg berpengatahuan luas... ga banyak ngomong, tp sekali ngomong, kata2nya guna en dalem.... sedang gw, asal cuap2 ga dipikir dulu... keluarnya cuma kata2 ga guna yg suka jadi bahan ketawaan org...
Somehow, pribahasa ini juz came into my mind... bener juga sih... tong yg kosong, klo dipukul, pasti bunyinya nyaring, klo tong yg penuh, bunyinya teredam, jadi ga bisa nyaring...
Klo diliat2, banyak juga sih org2 yg biasanya ga banyak tw, tp lagaknya dah kayak yg paling ahli... (kadang gw kayak gt... hehehe :p)... sedang klo org yg bener2 emang tw, ato dah ahli, biasanya ga banyak ngomong... palingan klo dy denger org yg ga tll tw itu ngomong sesuatu yg salah, paling2 dy cuma membenarkan... dy yg ga bakal cuap2 banyak2 ttg apa yg dy tw... ga bakal banyak pamer... mgkn bener juga ya kata org, klo pengetahuan adalah sumber dari kebijaksanaan... org yg pinter belom tentu bijaksana sih... tp org yg bijaksana itu, biasanya pinter (cerdik)...
Gw ga mo jadi tong kosong yg nyaring lagi ah... walo mgkn sekarang gw ini kosong, gw mo jadi tong yg mau diisi, biar ga kosong lagi... dan ga nyaring2 amet bunyinya... hehehe :p
Belakangan... kepikiran aja sih, rasanya gw kayak tong yg kosong... alias banyak ngomong, tp ga banyak isi... laen bgt ma org2 yg berpengatahuan luas... ga banyak ngomong, tp sekali ngomong, kata2nya guna en dalem.... sedang gw, asal cuap2 ga dipikir dulu... keluarnya cuma kata2 ga guna yg suka jadi bahan ketawaan org...
Somehow, pribahasa ini juz came into my mind... bener juga sih... tong yg kosong, klo dipukul, pasti bunyinya nyaring, klo tong yg penuh, bunyinya teredam, jadi ga bisa nyaring...
Klo diliat2, banyak juga sih org2 yg biasanya ga banyak tw, tp lagaknya dah kayak yg paling ahli... (kadang gw kayak gt... hehehe :p)... sedang klo org yg bener2 emang tw, ato dah ahli, biasanya ga banyak ngomong... palingan klo dy denger org yg ga tll tw itu ngomong sesuatu yg salah, paling2 dy cuma membenarkan... dy yg ga bakal cuap2 banyak2 ttg apa yg dy tw... ga bakal banyak pamer... mgkn bener juga ya kata org, klo pengetahuan adalah sumber dari kebijaksanaan... org yg pinter belom tentu bijaksana sih... tp org yg bijaksana itu, biasanya pinter (cerdik)...
Gw ga mo jadi tong kosong yg nyaring lagi ah... walo mgkn sekarang gw ini kosong, gw mo jadi tong yg mau diisi, biar ga kosong lagi... dan ga nyaring2 amet bunyinya... hehehe :p
another idea to be written
kok gw bisa2nya ga pernah keabisan ide buat ditulis ya??
yaaa bersyukur aja deh gw masi bisa nulis...
kali ini... gw mo cerita ttg gw lagi... hehehe... as always..
klo ga salah, gw dah pernah nulis sebelomnya, klo ternyata, ada org2 yg ga gw sangka, baca blog gw... entah itu temen sd gw, ato temen greja gw... ato my long lost friends... gw ga nyangka mereka baca.... dan yg lebih kaget lagi, kadang apa yg gw tulis, bisa kasi masukan buat mereka... bisa kasi impact buat mereka... gw sih bersyukur gw masi bisa nulis, dan gw disadarin, klo gw ini being watched by ppl... secara ga langsung, apapun yg gw lakuin, ato gw tulis, ato gw katakan.. smuanya being watched by ppl dan gw bisa kasi impact buat mereka...
Naahhh skrg, terserah gwnya, mau kasi impact yg baik, ato yg buruk??
yaaa smua org juga pastinya maunya jadi contoh yg baik lah ya... yg kasi impact yg baik buat sekitarnya... makanya.... mulai skrg, i think, gw musti sortir2 sedikit apa yg gw tulis... ga baik mengeluh2 terus di blog... hehehe :p semoga dari apa yg gw tulis, gw bisa memberikan kata2 yg bisa ngebangun org lain... yg bisa encourage org laen...
ngomong2 soal encouragement, td gw baru aja minjem sebuah buku, yg judulnya Silver Boxes: The gift of encouragement... gw baru mulai baca sih, jadi blm bisa cerita banyak... intinya sih, ada di Efesus 4:29 ''Janganlah ada perkataan kotor keluar dari mulutmu, tetapi pakailah perkataan yg baik untuk membangun, di mana perlu, supaya mereka yang mendengarnya, beroleh kasih karunia'' ato klo terjemahan inggrisnya... ''Don't use bad language. Say only what is good and helpful to those you are talking to, and what will give them a blessing''...
Intinya, si penulis mau ngajak para pembacanya buat stop saying bad things, tp learn to say good things, good words which can benefit others who hears it... biar kata2 yg kita keluarkan dari mulut kita (ato kata2 yg kita tulis di blog misalnya.. :p) adalah kata2 yg kasi encouragement bagaikan kado... a gift.. like little silver boxes with bows on top... :)
yaaa bersyukur aja deh gw masi bisa nulis...
kali ini... gw mo cerita ttg gw lagi... hehehe... as always..
klo ga salah, gw dah pernah nulis sebelomnya, klo ternyata, ada org2 yg ga gw sangka, baca blog gw... entah itu temen sd gw, ato temen greja gw... ato my long lost friends... gw ga nyangka mereka baca.... dan yg lebih kaget lagi, kadang apa yg gw tulis, bisa kasi masukan buat mereka... bisa kasi impact buat mereka... gw sih bersyukur gw masi bisa nulis, dan gw disadarin, klo gw ini being watched by ppl... secara ga langsung, apapun yg gw lakuin, ato gw tulis, ato gw katakan.. smuanya being watched by ppl dan gw bisa kasi impact buat mereka...
Naahhh skrg, terserah gwnya, mau kasi impact yg baik, ato yg buruk??
yaaa smua org juga pastinya maunya jadi contoh yg baik lah ya... yg kasi impact yg baik buat sekitarnya... makanya.... mulai skrg, i think, gw musti sortir2 sedikit apa yg gw tulis... ga baik mengeluh2 terus di blog... hehehe :p semoga dari apa yg gw tulis, gw bisa memberikan kata2 yg bisa ngebangun org lain... yg bisa encourage org laen...
ngomong2 soal encouragement, td gw baru aja minjem sebuah buku, yg judulnya Silver Boxes: The gift of encouragement... gw baru mulai baca sih, jadi blm bisa cerita banyak... intinya sih, ada di Efesus 4:29 ''Janganlah ada perkataan kotor keluar dari mulutmu, tetapi pakailah perkataan yg baik untuk membangun, di mana perlu, supaya mereka yang mendengarnya, beroleh kasih karunia'' ato klo terjemahan inggrisnya... ''Don't use bad language. Say only what is good and helpful to those you are talking to, and what will give them a blessing''...
Intinya, si penulis mau ngajak para pembacanya buat stop saying bad things, tp learn to say good things, good words which can benefit others who hears it... biar kata2 yg kita keluarkan dari mulut kita (ato kata2 yg kita tulis di blog misalnya.. :p) adalah kata2 yg kasi encouragement bagaikan kado... a gift.. like little silver boxes with bows on top... :)
Saturday, November 04, 2006
being tomboy...
sekali lagi gw mo berkeluh kesah...
sebenernya, gw ga mo mulai posting ini dengan keluhan sih... ok deh, gw mulai dengan ucapan syukur aja... Thanks God, gw dah nyelesein 2 exams... 2 more to go.... so far, gw ngerasa cukup pede... pede dalem artian, gw bakal pass the exam... gw ga peduli dapet bagus apa nggak, yg ptg gw pass dulu... hehehe :p (klo org2 beranggepan gw perfectionist, i've set my standard to the lowest that i can accept....) :p
Makanya.. kmrn gw rasanya lega bgt... seneng bgt aja gt ^_^
tp... yg 2 exam pertama itu, adl subject2 gw yg ''tergampang''... klo yg the next two, tuh yg ''killer''... jadinya yaaa serem2 dikit juga sih.. perjuangan masi panjang nop!! hahaha ^0^
Nah, skrg, baru deh gw berkeluh kesah...
keluhan gw ga penting sih... cuma mo nanya, kenapa sih klo cewek di identikan dengan feminisme... knp klo ce MUSTI feminim?? skali2 tomboy juga gpp kan?? asal sikon-nya pas... pasalnya gini, kmrn tuh kan gw exam, klo yg namanya exam, gw tuh sll milih berpakaian se-comfy mungkin... gw ga peduli lah org mo bilang apa, wong gw mo exam, peduli amet ma penampilan, yg penting tuh penampilan otak gw... hehehe :p trusnya, ternyata biz exam, gw ga sempet pulang lagi, jadi gw lgs ke greja... rasanya aneh sih emang, gw pake baju yg ga biasa gw pake ke greja... cuma... gw pikir, who cares anyway, yg penting kan hatinya... Tuhan mana nilai pakaian sih?? gw punya alesan aniwei... trus ya udah... begitu lah penampilan gw, dengan celana jeans, kaos oblong (yg gambarnya di-comment-in seseorg childish bgt), sepatu sport... (klo ga kebayang.. buat org yg kenal gw wkt smp, kira2 dandanan gw ga jauh beda lah.. hahaha)
So, suatu saat mlm itu, ada yg comment ke gw... cowok bgt sih lu?? hahaha... gw dah biasa sih di comment kayak gini... sampe dah males dengernya.. (apa gw musti dengerin ya?? mumpung masi ada yg mo nasehatin?? tp cuma satu org kok yg komen, jadi gw masi cuekin :p)... excuse gw, gw yg selama ini, dah banyak ngerubah penampilan gw (is it juz to please them??).... klo sekali2 gw balik ke penampilan yg lama, yg urakan, yg make me feel comfy, boleh donk?? gimme a break!!! i know i'm not gonna be able to wear high heels everyday... i will still prefer snickers... coz wearing those high heels juz gonna brake my feet and hurt my back.... believe me guys, it's not as beautiful as it looks.... it's hurting most of the time... maybe what my friend said is right, "it's painful to be beautiful".... hahaha ^0^
sebenernya, gw ga mo mulai posting ini dengan keluhan sih... ok deh, gw mulai dengan ucapan syukur aja... Thanks God, gw dah nyelesein 2 exams... 2 more to go.... so far, gw ngerasa cukup pede... pede dalem artian, gw bakal pass the exam... gw ga peduli dapet bagus apa nggak, yg ptg gw pass dulu... hehehe :p (klo org2 beranggepan gw perfectionist, i've set my standard to the lowest that i can accept....) :p
Makanya.. kmrn gw rasanya lega bgt... seneng bgt aja gt ^_^
tp... yg 2 exam pertama itu, adl subject2 gw yg ''tergampang''... klo yg the next two, tuh yg ''killer''... jadinya yaaa serem2 dikit juga sih.. perjuangan masi panjang nop!! hahaha ^0^
Nah, skrg, baru deh gw berkeluh kesah...
keluhan gw ga penting sih... cuma mo nanya, kenapa sih klo cewek di identikan dengan feminisme... knp klo ce MUSTI feminim?? skali2 tomboy juga gpp kan?? asal sikon-nya pas... pasalnya gini, kmrn tuh kan gw exam, klo yg namanya exam, gw tuh sll milih berpakaian se-comfy mungkin... gw ga peduli lah org mo bilang apa, wong gw mo exam, peduli amet ma penampilan, yg penting tuh penampilan otak gw... hehehe :p trusnya, ternyata biz exam, gw ga sempet pulang lagi, jadi gw lgs ke greja... rasanya aneh sih emang, gw pake baju yg ga biasa gw pake ke greja... cuma... gw pikir, who cares anyway, yg penting kan hatinya... Tuhan mana nilai pakaian sih?? gw punya alesan aniwei... trus ya udah... begitu lah penampilan gw, dengan celana jeans, kaos oblong (yg gambarnya di-comment-in seseorg childish bgt), sepatu sport... (klo ga kebayang.. buat org yg kenal gw wkt smp, kira2 dandanan gw ga jauh beda lah.. hahaha)
So, suatu saat mlm itu, ada yg comment ke gw... cowok bgt sih lu?? hahaha... gw dah biasa sih di comment kayak gini... sampe dah males dengernya.. (apa gw musti dengerin ya?? mumpung masi ada yg mo nasehatin?? tp cuma satu org kok yg komen, jadi gw masi cuekin :p)... excuse gw, gw yg selama ini, dah banyak ngerubah penampilan gw (is it juz to please them??).... klo sekali2 gw balik ke penampilan yg lama, yg urakan, yg make me feel comfy, boleh donk?? gimme a break!!! i know i'm not gonna be able to wear high heels everyday... i will still prefer snickers... coz wearing those high heels juz gonna brake my feet and hurt my back.... believe me guys, it's not as beautiful as it looks.... it's hurting most of the time... maybe what my friend said is right, "it's painful to be beautiful".... hahaha ^0^
Thursday, November 02, 2006
never forget the Lord...
HuaahH!! gw gagal lagi buat ga nge-blog... tapi beneran... kali ini gw ngerasa bener2 musti ditulis... hehehe :p
Kemaren, gw dengerin radio, seorg ce cerita klo beberapa wkt yg lalu, dy sempet punya masalah gt deh ma pita suaranya... gw ga tw dy di-diagnose sakit apa, tp intinya, dy ga dibolehin ngomong selama 3 bulan!!! bayangin!! klo ga bole ngomong selama 3 bulan, bakal jadi apa lu?? well, buat gw sih, gw mgkn awalnya susah.... tp lama2 bisa juga lah... sama ky ce ini... berhubung dy itu org Kristen, ya pasti lah cari kekuatannya dari Tuhan... dy cerita, 1 bulan pertama, dy frustasi... bulan ke 2 dy mulai belajar en nerima keadaan... tp tetep depressed.... pas bulan ke 3 inilah... dy banyak belajar en dibentuk ma Tuhan... dy belajar buat mendengarkan... bukan cuma denger (hear), tp dy belajar buat mendengerkan (listen)!! beda loh ya!! anyway, akhirnya dy bisa ngomong lagi sih...
Nahh apa hubungannya sama apa yg mo gw tulis?? Umm... hari ini, gw diingetin lagi buat ga pernah lupain Tuhan dalam setiap segi kehidupan gw... intinya: ''Never forget the Lord''... Klo contoh di atas, wkt lagi ngalamin kesulitan, kita sih pasti ga usah disuruh 2 kali, dah lgs cari pertolongan ke Tuhan... minta kekuatan, minta kesabaran, minta macem2 deh.... tp... pernah kepikiran ga klo kita lagi seneng??? klo hidup kita kayaknya lagi ga ada masalah... smua lancar2 aja... bisnis lancar.. duit ga kekurangan... makanan, baju, rumah smuanya punya... skolah lancar... smuanya sehat... pokoknya ga ada masalah deh... masi inget ga kita ma Tuhan?? bisa dibilang, cobaan paling susah tuh mgkn wkt kita justru lagi ga ngalamin kesusahan... apa kita masi setia ma Dia??
Well, itu aja sih yg mo tulis... cuma mo ingetin temen2, spt gw dah di ingetin... jangan inget Tuhan cuma pas di masa exam... (ga salah kok cari Tuhan pas exam)... tp jangan pas lagi susah2 aja... abis exam Tuhan-nya disumpelin di pojokan... hahaha... marilah kita inget terus ma Dia... ga lupa utk mengasihi Dia setiap wkt, krn itu adl perintah yg utama (Ul 6:12)... mo wkt susah... dan terlebih lagi saat kita senang... ^^
Kemaren, gw dengerin radio, seorg ce cerita klo beberapa wkt yg lalu, dy sempet punya masalah gt deh ma pita suaranya... gw ga tw dy di-diagnose sakit apa, tp intinya, dy ga dibolehin ngomong selama 3 bulan!!! bayangin!! klo ga bole ngomong selama 3 bulan, bakal jadi apa lu?? well, buat gw sih, gw mgkn awalnya susah.... tp lama2 bisa juga lah... sama ky ce ini... berhubung dy itu org Kristen, ya pasti lah cari kekuatannya dari Tuhan... dy cerita, 1 bulan pertama, dy frustasi... bulan ke 2 dy mulai belajar en nerima keadaan... tp tetep depressed.... pas bulan ke 3 inilah... dy banyak belajar en dibentuk ma Tuhan... dy belajar buat mendengarkan... bukan cuma denger (hear), tp dy belajar buat mendengerkan (listen)!! beda loh ya!! anyway, akhirnya dy bisa ngomong lagi sih...
Nahh apa hubungannya sama apa yg mo gw tulis?? Umm... hari ini, gw diingetin lagi buat ga pernah lupain Tuhan dalam setiap segi kehidupan gw... intinya: ''Never forget the Lord''... Klo contoh di atas, wkt lagi ngalamin kesulitan, kita sih pasti ga usah disuruh 2 kali, dah lgs cari pertolongan ke Tuhan... minta kekuatan, minta kesabaran, minta macem2 deh.... tp... pernah kepikiran ga klo kita lagi seneng??? klo hidup kita kayaknya lagi ga ada masalah... smua lancar2 aja... bisnis lancar.. duit ga kekurangan... makanan, baju, rumah smuanya punya... skolah lancar... smuanya sehat... pokoknya ga ada masalah deh... masi inget ga kita ma Tuhan?? bisa dibilang, cobaan paling susah tuh mgkn wkt kita justru lagi ga ngalamin kesusahan... apa kita masi setia ma Dia??
Well, itu aja sih yg mo tulis... cuma mo ingetin temen2, spt gw dah di ingetin... jangan inget Tuhan cuma pas di masa exam... (ga salah kok cari Tuhan pas exam)... tp jangan pas lagi susah2 aja... abis exam Tuhan-nya disumpelin di pojokan... hahaha... marilah kita inget terus ma Dia... ga lupa utk mengasihi Dia setiap wkt, krn itu adl perintah yg utama (Ul 6:12)... mo wkt susah... dan terlebih lagi saat kita senang... ^^
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
my prayer to you...
I pray that God would fill your heart with dreams
And that faith gives you the courage
To dare to do great things
I'm here for you whatever this life brings
So let my love give you roots
And help you find your wings
(Mark Harris-Find Your Wings)
And that faith gives you the courage
To dare to do great things
I'm here for you whatever this life brings
So let my love give you roots
And help you find your wings
(Mark Harris-Find Your Wings)
it's not easy...
Pernah denger kan lagu yg judulnya ''It's not easy (to be me)''??
Well, gw bukan mo nulis apa susahnya jadi seorang GUE...
Gw cuma ngerasa... tahun ini, saat usia gw menginjak 19 taon... life seems not as easy as before...
it's not easy to be 19!! (that's what i wanna say..)
Mungkin org yg baca blog gw, klo dah ngelewatin masa belasan taon, bakal bilang, it's not as hard as 20's... well, gw kan belom masuk 20's jadi menurut gw, 19 is not easy... hehehe :p
Kenapa gw bisa bilang gini?? karena... 19 itu taon terakhir masa ''teenager''... masa remaja... 19 itu bisa dibilang masa transisi... masa di mana, seorang manusia dituntut untuk ninggalin masa yg kekanak2an... masa yg tenang... masa yg ga banyak dipusingin... masa yg innocence is sumthing that u can survive with... masa yg... pokoknya ga bisa di-hold terus klo mo move on to the 20's... bagi org yg dah ngalamin masa ini dan dah melaluinya... mgkn beranggapan gw terlalu membesar2kan... gw telalu pusingin hal ga penting kayak gini... mgkn bakal ada yg berpendapat, klo sebenernya, mo 19, ato 20, ga ada bedanya... well... klo itu sih.. gw ga tw yahhh ^^ cuma menurut gw sih, mustinya (normalnya) klo org bertambah umurnya, pasti secara ga langsung tuh org bakal berubah, jadi lebi dewasa... klo ada org yg umurnya dah 25 misalnya, kelakuannya masi kayak anak umur 15, umm... itu mgkn karena pas masa transisi ini lah dy ga pake bener2 wktnya buat m'persiapkan diri buat masa ''org dewasa''... hehehe :p (ga penting ya??)
trus... menurut gw, kenapa berada di usia 19 itu ga gampang, karena bisa dibilang, ini tuh usia dimana org, klo diibaratin ma bunga, lagi mekar semekar2nya... jadi yaaa emang ga gampang buat mekar semaksimal mgkn... pasti ada sakit2nya... pasti ada pengorbanannya... pasti ada susah en sedihnya.. pasti ada jatohnya... pasti ada gagalnya.... tp.. dari situlah banyak pelajaran yg bisa dipetik... biar kita bisa jadi makin mateng... en siap buat ''dunia org dewasa''... hehehe :p
sperti yg temen gw tulis... nothing great comes easy...
hal yg suka gw berasa bener2 susah tuh... klo misalnya deh, gw musti belajar... sebagian dari diri gw yg masi anak2 maunya maen terus.... masa bodo deh ama belajar... pokoknya mau have fun aja... tp bagian dari diri gw yg dah mulai dewasa en mikir jangka panjang, ngasi tw gw keuntungan2 klo gw belajar... ngasi tw gw akibat2nya klo gw ga belajar... etc... susahnya, saat dimana gw musti ambil decision... mo tetep jadi child ato mo belajar mulai ninggalin ke child-ish-an gw... en belajar move on... learn to be maturer... di usia ini... gw banyak bgt belajar... dan lama2 gw bisa ngeliat sesuatu dari sisi pandang org dewasa... kadang wkt gw masi kecil, gw suka ga ngerti kenapa ortu gw ambil suatu keputusan yg ga masuk akal buat gw.... tp skrg, wkt gw belajar cara pikir mereka, cara pandang mereka, gw bisa lebi ngerti... gw bisa terima alesan mereka... lucu emang... kadang gw mikir, Tuhan tuh hebat bgt... Dia kasi kita pelajaran2 ttg kehidupan tahap per tahap... ga langsung di-bombardir dalam 10 taon pertama hidup misalnya.... makanya gw percaya, tiap taon dalam hidup gw... jangankan tiap taon deh, tiap hari aja... gw bakal selalu punya sesuatu yg exciting, yg baru, buat di tunggu2 untuk dipelajari...
So... berapapun usia lu skrg... enjoy every second of it... and keep on learning!!!
tapi sumpehh... to be 19 is not easy!!! hehehe :p
Well, gw bukan mo nulis apa susahnya jadi seorang GUE...
Gw cuma ngerasa... tahun ini, saat usia gw menginjak 19 taon... life seems not as easy as before...
it's not easy to be 19!! (that's what i wanna say..)
Mungkin org yg baca blog gw, klo dah ngelewatin masa belasan taon, bakal bilang, it's not as hard as 20's... well, gw kan belom masuk 20's jadi menurut gw, 19 is not easy... hehehe :p
Kenapa gw bisa bilang gini?? karena... 19 itu taon terakhir masa ''teenager''... masa remaja... 19 itu bisa dibilang masa transisi... masa di mana, seorang manusia dituntut untuk ninggalin masa yg kekanak2an... masa yg tenang... masa yg ga banyak dipusingin... masa yg innocence is sumthing that u can survive with... masa yg... pokoknya ga bisa di-hold terus klo mo move on to the 20's... bagi org yg dah ngalamin masa ini dan dah melaluinya... mgkn beranggapan gw terlalu membesar2kan... gw telalu pusingin hal ga penting kayak gini... mgkn bakal ada yg berpendapat, klo sebenernya, mo 19, ato 20, ga ada bedanya... well... klo itu sih.. gw ga tw yahhh ^^ cuma menurut gw sih, mustinya (normalnya) klo org bertambah umurnya, pasti secara ga langsung tuh org bakal berubah, jadi lebi dewasa... klo ada org yg umurnya dah 25 misalnya, kelakuannya masi kayak anak umur 15, umm... itu mgkn karena pas masa transisi ini lah dy ga pake bener2 wktnya buat m'persiapkan diri buat masa ''org dewasa''... hehehe :p (ga penting ya??)
trus... menurut gw, kenapa berada di usia 19 itu ga gampang, karena bisa dibilang, ini tuh usia dimana org, klo diibaratin ma bunga, lagi mekar semekar2nya... jadi yaaa emang ga gampang buat mekar semaksimal mgkn... pasti ada sakit2nya... pasti ada pengorbanannya... pasti ada susah en sedihnya.. pasti ada jatohnya... pasti ada gagalnya.... tp.. dari situlah banyak pelajaran yg bisa dipetik... biar kita bisa jadi makin mateng... en siap buat ''dunia org dewasa''... hehehe :p
sperti yg temen gw tulis... nothing great comes easy...
hal yg suka gw berasa bener2 susah tuh... klo misalnya deh, gw musti belajar... sebagian dari diri gw yg masi anak2 maunya maen terus.... masa bodo deh ama belajar... pokoknya mau have fun aja... tp bagian dari diri gw yg dah mulai dewasa en mikir jangka panjang, ngasi tw gw keuntungan2 klo gw belajar... ngasi tw gw akibat2nya klo gw ga belajar... etc... susahnya, saat dimana gw musti ambil decision... mo tetep jadi child ato mo belajar mulai ninggalin ke child-ish-an gw... en belajar move on... learn to be maturer... di usia ini... gw banyak bgt belajar... dan lama2 gw bisa ngeliat sesuatu dari sisi pandang org dewasa... kadang wkt gw masi kecil, gw suka ga ngerti kenapa ortu gw ambil suatu keputusan yg ga masuk akal buat gw.... tp skrg, wkt gw belajar cara pikir mereka, cara pandang mereka, gw bisa lebi ngerti... gw bisa terima alesan mereka... lucu emang... kadang gw mikir, Tuhan tuh hebat bgt... Dia kasi kita pelajaran2 ttg kehidupan tahap per tahap... ga langsung di-bombardir dalam 10 taon pertama hidup misalnya.... makanya gw percaya, tiap taon dalam hidup gw... jangankan tiap taon deh, tiap hari aja... gw bakal selalu punya sesuatu yg exciting, yg baru, buat di tunggu2 untuk dipelajari...
So... berapapun usia lu skrg... enjoy every second of it... and keep on learning!!!
tapi sumpehh... to be 19 is not easy!!! hehehe :p
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