Today... it seems like everything that i read, told me to change my attitude...
i'm not quite sure what attitude is, so i opened up my Oxford Learner's Pocket Dictionary... and i found that attitude means the way of thinking or behaving...
Hmm.... juz thinkin.... and letting that definition sink in to my mind... maybe that's what i need...
a change or maybe changes on my attitude... change my way of thinking or behaving or maybe both!!
Lately, i've been feeling unsatisfied wif my life... i juz felt there's sumthing wrong, sumfin is missing... i got an email that told me that a change starts from the inside... totally agree wif that... maybe there's nothing wrong with my life.. it's juz me!! maybe what i need is only to change my way of thinking... try to see things differently... be positive... look at the bright side... and also change sum of my bad behaviour... be on time... never leave everything to the last minute... don't stress out easily... sumtimes what i need is juz to let life flows...
All of that starts from the inside.... from our mind... from our heart... believe it or not, our mind is the centre of (almost) everything and it controls most of our decisions and what we did in our lives... and with a good and pure heart... i believe, we can change our lives to be better or i will say we can change the way we live our lives... make it better and more positive... it's all started from us... from you... from me... from the inside!!! mind and heart...
Monday, October 30, 2006
belahan diriku
waktu aku sendirian...
saat tak ada org lain yg memperhatikan...
aku kerap berbincang dengan belahan diriku yg lain...
saat aku sedang gembira, kan ku sapa dia dengan senyuman dan keramahan...
''Hey, apa kabar?? Kau tampak manis saat tersenyum.. ^_^''
tp saat ku sedih atau merasa gagal, aku sering kali melukainya dan berkata kasar...
"Hey, mau jadi apa kamu, klo begini aja ga bisa??!''
atau saat ku merasa kesepian... akan ku tegur dia dan berbincang dengannya...
''Kemana ya org2?? kok kayaknya pada ilang?? untung ada kamu... ^^''
Hahaha.... yg baca ini pasti kirain gw gila deh... sering ngomong sendiri...
tp jujur aja deh, masa sih kalian ga pernah ngomong ma diri sendiri??
well, mgkn ga kayak yg gw tulis di atas sih.... tp pasti at least ada sekali kan??
Klo ga pernah, mgkn ada baiknya kita mulai deh ngobrol ma belahan diri kita yg laen....
biar dia ga ngerasa kesepian... ^^
saat tak ada org lain yg memperhatikan...
aku kerap berbincang dengan belahan diriku yg lain...
saat aku sedang gembira, kan ku sapa dia dengan senyuman dan keramahan...
''Hey, apa kabar?? Kau tampak manis saat tersenyum.. ^_^''
tp saat ku sedih atau merasa gagal, aku sering kali melukainya dan berkata kasar...
"Hey, mau jadi apa kamu, klo begini aja ga bisa??!''
atau saat ku merasa kesepian... akan ku tegur dia dan berbincang dengannya...
''Kemana ya org2?? kok kayaknya pada ilang?? untung ada kamu... ^^''
Hahaha.... yg baca ini pasti kirain gw gila deh... sering ngomong sendiri...
tp jujur aja deh, masa sih kalian ga pernah ngomong ma diri sendiri??
well, mgkn ga kayak yg gw tulis di atas sih.... tp pasti at least ada sekali kan??
Klo ga pernah, mgkn ada baiknya kita mulai deh ngobrol ma belahan diri kita yg laen....
biar dia ga ngerasa kesepian... ^^
satu exam berlalu...
satu exam berlalu sudah...
jangan tanya gw gimana hasilnya... ga suka membahas yg sudah berlalu... hehehe :p
td pulang abis exam, gw ke saveway, beli tissue buat toilet yg dah lama abis... (ga ada yg beli neh!!!) trus... akhirnya beli macem2 cemilan juga buat stock selama exam... so i guess, i'm gonna put on more weight this month... but who cares... hahaha...
dari td rencananya mo belajar buat the next exam, which is jumat ini...
tp berhubung td gw baru beli dvd kosong, en dah lama bgt berniat buat nge-burn smua data yg ga kepake yg cuma menuh2in kompie gw, gw jadi mo ngeburn dulu...
ehhhh ga twnya musti download software baru juga... alhasil, 4 jam gw spend buat smua itu, tp tetep aja, mpe skrg gw masi ga bisa burn data2 itu ke dvd... kompie gw tetep aja lambatnya amit2... duhhh i wish koko ada di sini... hiks... ntar gw balik, koko juga ga ada... minta sapa ya utak2 kompie gw?? hfff... susah deh klo jadi org gaptek... =_=''
buat yg baca blog gw, sori ya klo belakangan isinya ga bermutu... (biasanya emangnya bermutu??) hahaha... well, intinya isinya lebi ga bermutu dari biasanya lah.... hehehe :p
gw lagi ga punya inspirasi buat nulis... (ada sih, tp males...) :p segini dulu deh ya... daaaahhh!!
jangan tanya gw gimana hasilnya... ga suka membahas yg sudah berlalu... hehehe :p
td pulang abis exam, gw ke saveway, beli tissue buat toilet yg dah lama abis... (ga ada yg beli neh!!!) trus... akhirnya beli macem2 cemilan juga buat stock selama exam... so i guess, i'm gonna put on more weight this month... but who cares... hahaha...
dari td rencananya mo belajar buat the next exam, which is jumat ini...
tp berhubung td gw baru beli dvd kosong, en dah lama bgt berniat buat nge-burn smua data yg ga kepake yg cuma menuh2in kompie gw, gw jadi mo ngeburn dulu...
ehhhh ga twnya musti download software baru juga... alhasil, 4 jam gw spend buat smua itu, tp tetep aja, mpe skrg gw masi ga bisa burn data2 itu ke dvd... kompie gw tetep aja lambatnya amit2... duhhh i wish koko ada di sini... hiks... ntar gw balik, koko juga ga ada... minta sapa ya utak2 kompie gw?? hfff... susah deh klo jadi org gaptek... =_=''
buat yg baca blog gw, sori ya klo belakangan isinya ga bermutu... (biasanya emangnya bermutu??) hahaha... well, intinya isinya lebi ga bermutu dari biasanya lah.... hehehe :p
gw lagi ga punya inspirasi buat nulis... (ada sih, tp males...) :p segini dulu deh ya... daaaahhh!!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
my friends wedding...
Pertama2, gw mo ingetin temen2 yg di Melb klo mulai hari ini, kita dah DAYLIGHT SAVING loh!!! which means Melb-Indo jadi beda 4 jam skrg... other meaning, jam tdr gw kurang 1 jam!!! >_< parah!!!
Oiya, pengen cerita ttg kemaren... temen gw, yg skrg bakal gw panggil Ci Lenny en Ko Lukman, menikah!!! huehehe... akhirnya!!! hari yg telah ditunggu2 tiba juga... i guess mereka seneng bgt sampe ga bisa describe... gw aja yg baru kenal mereka bentar, dah seneng bgt buat mereka, apalagi merekanya sendiri.... bisa dibilang ini adl wedding ceremony pertama yg pernah gw hadirin di Melb... and klo ga salah yg ke-3 dalem hidup gw... 2 yg pertama aja itu weddingnya om2 gw.. jadi gw masi kecil dan ga ngerti wkt itu... hehehe :p but i can tell u sumfin... the ceremony was one of the most moving moment (''mengharukan'') in ppl's lives... wkt itu gw jadi usher sih, jadi rada2 sibuk en ga bener2 dengerin kotbahnya... but there's one thing yg gw inget... Ko Dj nanya, ''Apa yg bakal jadi saat yg paling membahagiakan selain hari ini??''... jawabannya adl saat dimana 30-40 taon ke depan, keduanya masi bisa saling bergandengan tangan dan berbagi kasih... it was... a beautiful thought...
Ngomong2 soal pernikahan... saat2 yg paling gw tunggu tuh wkt pengucapan vows... eh.... sedikit mengecewakan, ternyata vows-nya cukup standard... yaaa gpp lah, percuma klo bagus2 tp akhirnya ga dijalanin, cuma buat gombal doank... mendingan standard tp dijalanin bener2.. ^^ pokoknya gw seneng bgt deh buat mereka!!! selamet ya buat Ci Le en Ko Luk... hahaha.. ^0^ (punya julukan baru)... ga ngerti kenapa, kok klo disaat yg paling membahagiakan, tetep aja bisa bikin terharu ya?? hehehe... dasar cewek... :p
Oiya, pengen cerita ttg kemaren... temen gw, yg skrg bakal gw panggil Ci Lenny en Ko Lukman, menikah!!! huehehe... akhirnya!!! hari yg telah ditunggu2 tiba juga... i guess mereka seneng bgt sampe ga bisa describe... gw aja yg baru kenal mereka bentar, dah seneng bgt buat mereka, apalagi merekanya sendiri.... bisa dibilang ini adl wedding ceremony pertama yg pernah gw hadirin di Melb... and klo ga salah yg ke-3 dalem hidup gw... 2 yg pertama aja itu weddingnya om2 gw.. jadi gw masi kecil dan ga ngerti wkt itu... hehehe :p but i can tell u sumfin... the ceremony was one of the most moving moment (''mengharukan'') in ppl's lives... wkt itu gw jadi usher sih, jadi rada2 sibuk en ga bener2 dengerin kotbahnya... but there's one thing yg gw inget... Ko Dj nanya, ''Apa yg bakal jadi saat yg paling membahagiakan selain hari ini??''... jawabannya adl saat dimana 30-40 taon ke depan, keduanya masi bisa saling bergandengan tangan dan berbagi kasih... it was... a beautiful thought...
Ngomong2 soal pernikahan... saat2 yg paling gw tunggu tuh wkt pengucapan vows... eh.... sedikit mengecewakan, ternyata vows-nya cukup standard... yaaa gpp lah, percuma klo bagus2 tp akhirnya ga dijalanin, cuma buat gombal doank... mendingan standard tp dijalanin bener2.. ^^ pokoknya gw seneng bgt deh buat mereka!!! selamet ya buat Ci Le en Ko Luk... hahaha.. ^0^ (punya julukan baru)... ga ngerti kenapa, kok klo disaat yg paling membahagiakan, tetep aja bisa bikin terharu ya?? hehehe... dasar cewek... :p
Invisible (by Ashlee Simpson)
Like a grain on the beach
Like a star in the sky
Far too many to count
With the naked eye
They will see you
Go ahead walk on by
You don't know I'm alive
Maybe one day you'll find
You should open your eyes (your eyes)
You don't know me
You're the one who looked right through me
Now you're saying that you knew me
When I was invisible
And you're the one who walked right through me
Now you're saying that you knew me
When I was invisible
Little things adding up
Try so hard not to rush
Giving in, letting go
Of the world we know
They won't see you
Force it down, lose the taste
We don't think it's a waste
We don't need to believe
Every word they say now (say now)
They don't know me
You're the one who looked right through me
Now you're saying that you knew me
When I was invisible
And you're the one who walked right through me
Now you're saying that you knew me
When I was invisible
It's so easy
To be lost
But maybe
You're not lost at all
Whoa Whoa
Do you recognize me?
Whoa Whoa
Do you know who I am?
Whoa Whoa
Do you see me now?
Whoa whoa
Do you see me now?
You're the one who looked right through me
Now you're saying that you knew me
When I was invisible
And you're the one who walked right through me
Now you're saying that you knew me
When I was whoa
I'm invisible
I'm invisible
dunno why, sumhow this song juz stuck on my mind the whole day...
Like a grain on the beach
Like a star in the sky
Far too many to count
With the naked eye
They will see you
Go ahead walk on by
You don't know I'm alive
Maybe one day you'll find
You should open your eyes (your eyes)
You don't know me
You're the one who looked right through me
Now you're saying that you knew me
When I was invisible
And you're the one who walked right through me
Now you're saying that you knew me
When I was invisible
Little things adding up
Try so hard not to rush
Giving in, letting go
Of the world we know
They won't see you
Force it down, lose the taste
We don't think it's a waste
We don't need to believe
Every word they say now (say now)
They don't know me
You're the one who looked right through me
Now you're saying that you knew me
When I was invisible
And you're the one who walked right through me
Now you're saying that you knew me
When I was invisible
It's so easy
To be lost
But maybe
You're not lost at all
Whoa Whoa
Do you recognize me?
Whoa Whoa
Do you know who I am?
Whoa Whoa
Do you see me now?
Whoa whoa
Do you see me now?
You're the one who looked right through me
Now you're saying that you knew me
When I was invisible
And you're the one who walked right through me
Now you're saying that you knew me
When I was whoa
I'm invisible
I'm invisible
dunno why, sumhow this song juz stuck on my mind the whole day...
Thursday, October 26, 2006
my happy dream...
I'd like to keep a record of my dream... coz i dont usually dreaming in my sleep... and this particular dream that i'm about to write is one of the happy ones...
Last nite i slept very2 early... i think it was about 6.30pm... and then i woke up at 4am in the morning... what a long sleep!!! (i woke up in between tho)... i was dreaming about going back to indo... i dreamt that i was in indo already... got off of the plane, then went straight to the mall wif my best friends... having bubble tea... then, went for a dinner wif my family... having a happy convo and chit-chatting about all my school stuffs and friends in melbourne.... having jokes... i remembered that i was so happy!!! that i laugh in my sleep... (coz i was woken up by my own laugh... then i continued my dream... funny isnt it??? coz it felt so real!!!)... then, in my dream, my mum asked me where my return ticket and pasport is... then, suddenly i realised, i dont have my pasport wif me.... then i started to think back, how come i passed all the custom officers in the airport... this cant be rite... then, my brain juz tell me.... "You idiot!! it's juz a dream!!!" and i woke up, still looking for my pasport... and really realised that it was juz a happy dream of mine... :( i wish it's true... dont have to go thru this exams time.... hated it a lot!!! cant believe i have to go thru this time every year!!!
anyway... after that dream, i woke up and do sumfin... try to study, but couldnt be bothered... still so sleepy (after those hours of sleep?!)... then, i went online and chat wif few friends who still awake around that time... then i went to sleep again coz i got a lil bit of headache.... and guess what?! i dreamt again!!! this time, still involving my family, and also some of my melbourne friends... it was a funny dream.... in my dream, the distance btw, melbourne and malaysia was juz 2hours drive by car... hahaha ^0^ (so impossible!!!) in my dream, i was woken up in a strange place... looks like a dorm and felt like my own house.... i felt comfortable there, but i know it's not my house.... then, there was a convo btw mum n my sis, Linda said she wanted to stay in a dorm and study in Malaysia.... (what?!) becoz of that convo, i realised for the 2nd time that i was dreaming... coz this cant be real!!! Linda would never ask to study overseas... these dreams are so wrong!!! but at least they gave me a lil bit of happiness... even tho it's all juz a dream.... LoL ^0^
Last nite i slept very2 early... i think it was about 6.30pm... and then i woke up at 4am in the morning... what a long sleep!!! (i woke up in between tho)... i was dreaming about going back to indo... i dreamt that i was in indo already... got off of the plane, then went straight to the mall wif my best friends... having bubble tea... then, went for a dinner wif my family... having a happy convo and chit-chatting about all my school stuffs and friends in melbourne.... having jokes... i remembered that i was so happy!!! that i laugh in my sleep... (coz i was woken up by my own laugh... then i continued my dream... funny isnt it??? coz it felt so real!!!)... then, in my dream, my mum asked me where my return ticket and pasport is... then, suddenly i realised, i dont have my pasport wif me.... then i started to think back, how come i passed all the custom officers in the airport... this cant be rite... then, my brain juz tell me.... "You idiot!! it's juz a dream!!!" and i woke up, still looking for my pasport... and really realised that it was juz a happy dream of mine... :( i wish it's true... dont have to go thru this exams time.... hated it a lot!!! cant believe i have to go thru this time every year!!!
anyway... after that dream, i woke up and do sumfin... try to study, but couldnt be bothered... still so sleepy (after those hours of sleep?!)... then, i went online and chat wif few friends who still awake around that time... then i went to sleep again coz i got a lil bit of headache.... and guess what?! i dreamt again!!! this time, still involving my family, and also some of my melbourne friends... it was a funny dream.... in my dream, the distance btw, melbourne and malaysia was juz 2hours drive by car... hahaha ^0^ (so impossible!!!) in my dream, i was woken up in a strange place... looks like a dorm and felt like my own house.... i felt comfortable there, but i know it's not my house.... then, there was a convo btw mum n my sis, Linda said she wanted to stay in a dorm and study in Malaysia.... (what?!) becoz of that convo, i realised for the 2nd time that i was dreaming... coz this cant be real!!! Linda would never ask to study overseas... these dreams are so wrong!!! but at least they gave me a lil bit of happiness... even tho it's all juz a dream.... LoL ^0^
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
bantuin org boong...
Hueh... akhirnya... selese juga kerjaan gw hari ini... tapi bukan berarti gw bisa nyantai2 neh... dalam 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... LIMA hari lagi gw bakal exam!!! dan gw belom belajar!!! gila!!! bener2 deh... klo gw bisa lulus mah, ini sebuah miracle...
Anyway, td pagi2 temen gw di perth sms... minta ijin mo pake nama gw...
berhubung pas baru bgn bacanya, gw ga connect gitu... gw bingung, kenapa dy minta ijin pake nama gw?? mangnya nama gw bagus?? huehehe :p ternyata eh ternyata, dy mo pake nama gw biar dy bisa pegi ke darwin... duhh... susah neh... gw ga mo bantuin dy boong, tp klo gw ga bantuin, dy bisa sedih... kan dy jarang bgt jalan2... so akhirnya, gw bales deh sms dy pas dah siangan... gw kasi dia ijin buat pake nama gw buat boong tp untuk yg terakhir kalinya... semoga aja deh dy ga aneh2 di darwin... ntar nama gw bisa jadi tercoreng... huehehe :p
dah ah... laper neh... dari pagi belom makan gara2 ngerjain report gw tersayang... huahahaha ^0^ mo pulang, makan, mandi, bobo, bgn lagi, belajar... =_=
ps: maaaa... cepetan balik... nv mo ngobrol... hiks... T_T
Anyway, td pagi2 temen gw di perth sms... minta ijin mo pake nama gw...
berhubung pas baru bgn bacanya, gw ga connect gitu... gw bingung, kenapa dy minta ijin pake nama gw?? mangnya nama gw bagus?? huehehe :p ternyata eh ternyata, dy mo pake nama gw biar dy bisa pegi ke darwin... duhh... susah neh... gw ga mo bantuin dy boong, tp klo gw ga bantuin, dy bisa sedih... kan dy jarang bgt jalan2... so akhirnya, gw bales deh sms dy pas dah siangan... gw kasi dia ijin buat pake nama gw buat boong tp untuk yg terakhir kalinya... semoga aja deh dy ga aneh2 di darwin... ntar nama gw bisa jadi tercoreng... huehehe :p
dah ah... laper neh... dari pagi belom makan gara2 ngerjain report gw tersayang... huahahaha ^0^ mo pulang, makan, mandi, bobo, bgn lagi, belajar... =_=
ps: maaaa... cepetan balik... nv mo ngobrol... hiks... T_T
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Miss Perfect
Miss Perfect...
itulah aku... huehehe :p
I know I used to be very2 perfectionist... sampe2 stress sendiri, karena no body's perfect, but I still expect everyone, everything, even myself to be perfect...
Then, aku coba berubah... karena smuanya cuma bikin aku stress sendiri...
Tadinya aku kira, aku dah cukup berubah... dah lebih ga perfectionist (emang sih...)
Tapi ternyata, org2 disekelilingku masi aja bisa ngeliat betapa perfectionistnya aku...
hehehe :p
(buka kartu sendiri nih....)
Iya... td tuh, aku nelpon temen lamaku di Indo... dia dah kayak cici buat aku...
aku aja manggil dia ''cici''... aku kenal dy dah dari aku kelas 1 SMP, which is 6 taon yg lalu... kita beda 8 taon, tp ga menghambat persabahatan kita... dia salah satu org yg kenal aku luar dalem... dan mau ngajar serta nge-kritik aku wkt aku salah... beruntung bgt deh bisa punya temen kayak dia... selaen bisa belajar banyak (karena dy lebi berpengalaman), bisa mempersiapkan diri buat dunia org dewasa juga (karena dy juga suka cerita2 ttg pengalaman dy)...
Tadi tuh, ngobrol ngalor ngidul.. trus ga tw ngebahas apa, dia ngomong klo aku tuh sebenernya emang lebih dewasa ketimbang temen2 seumuranku... (huehehehe :p jadi terbang deh...)
Aku tw sih, tp ga nyangka, dari sejak aku SMP dah keliatan kayak gt... mgkn inilah yg bikin aku suka telalu stress tentang hidup... tentang masa depan... temen2ku kayaknya nyantai2 aja, kok aku suka dah mikir kejauhan en pusing sendiri.... trus dia pesen ke aku, ''juz let it flow''... smuanya dalam hidup ini butuh process, ga perlu buru2... enjoy every single step of your life... karena smuanya ga bakal balik lagi... ga usa telalu stress en overwhelm ma smuanya... terima aja dan atasin satu per satu... hmmm... berhubung dah lebih dari satu org yg ngomong ke gw kayak gt... i guess gw musti bener2 dengerin... hehehe :p
Klo gt mulai skrg, saya berjanji, mo belajar buat lebi rileks dalem menghadapi apa yg singgah dalam kehidupanku... (yaaa jangan sampe terlalu lay back juga tapinya!!!)... belajar buat ga panikan lagi... hehehe :p and i will learn to enjoy every single minute of my life... every second of it... coz they are all come from God's grace for me... ^_^
PS: makasi ci buat nasehatnya... ^^
and notes for myself (klo gw sampe fail)... failure is not the end of the world... it's juz the beginning of a lesson... where u learn to stand up after your fall.... then, learn to stand firmer...
itulah aku... huehehe :p
I know I used to be very2 perfectionist... sampe2 stress sendiri, karena no body's perfect, but I still expect everyone, everything, even myself to be perfect...
Then, aku coba berubah... karena smuanya cuma bikin aku stress sendiri...
Tadinya aku kira, aku dah cukup berubah... dah lebih ga perfectionist (emang sih...)
Tapi ternyata, org2 disekelilingku masi aja bisa ngeliat betapa perfectionistnya aku...
hehehe :p
(buka kartu sendiri nih....)
Iya... td tuh, aku nelpon temen lamaku di Indo... dia dah kayak cici buat aku...
aku aja manggil dia ''cici''... aku kenal dy dah dari aku kelas 1 SMP, which is 6 taon yg lalu... kita beda 8 taon, tp ga menghambat persabahatan kita... dia salah satu org yg kenal aku luar dalem... dan mau ngajar serta nge-kritik aku wkt aku salah... beruntung bgt deh bisa punya temen kayak dia... selaen bisa belajar banyak (karena dy lebi berpengalaman), bisa mempersiapkan diri buat dunia org dewasa juga (karena dy juga suka cerita2 ttg pengalaman dy)...
Tadi tuh, ngobrol ngalor ngidul.. trus ga tw ngebahas apa, dia ngomong klo aku tuh sebenernya emang lebih dewasa ketimbang temen2 seumuranku... (huehehehe :p jadi terbang deh...)
Aku tw sih, tp ga nyangka, dari sejak aku SMP dah keliatan kayak gt... mgkn inilah yg bikin aku suka telalu stress tentang hidup... tentang masa depan... temen2ku kayaknya nyantai2 aja, kok aku suka dah mikir kejauhan en pusing sendiri.... trus dia pesen ke aku, ''juz let it flow''... smuanya dalam hidup ini butuh process, ga perlu buru2... enjoy every single step of your life... karena smuanya ga bakal balik lagi... ga usa telalu stress en overwhelm ma smuanya... terima aja dan atasin satu per satu... hmmm... berhubung dah lebih dari satu org yg ngomong ke gw kayak gt... i guess gw musti bener2 dengerin... hehehe :p
Klo gt mulai skrg, saya berjanji, mo belajar buat lebi rileks dalem menghadapi apa yg singgah dalam kehidupanku... (yaaa jangan sampe terlalu lay back juga tapinya!!!)... belajar buat ga panikan lagi... hehehe :p and i will learn to enjoy every single minute of my life... every second of it... coz they are all come from God's grace for me... ^_^
PS: makasi ci buat nasehatnya... ^^
and notes for myself (klo gw sampe fail)... failure is not the end of the world... it's juz the beginning of a lesson... where u learn to stand up after your fall.... then, learn to stand firmer...
older = smarter??
Nick name seorg teman lamaku membuatku berpikir...
"Is it when u get older the u r expected to get smarter??"
What a good question, i think...
Lalu, kupikirkan kalimat itu...
Sebenarnya, ga juga sih.. klo dipikir2, kita ga harus be smarter when we get older...
i guess, we juz need to be wiser... smart kan belom tentu wise...
Tp kalimat di atas ada benernya juga... kita juga ga bisa stay di kepandaian yg itu2 aja as we get older... contohnya aja, wkt tk, mgkn kita dah seneng bisa ngitung sampe 10, masa klo dah umur 20, tetep aja seneng dengan kepandaian se-anak TK?? huehh... ribet ya klo mikirin hal kayak gini... ga penting sih sebenernya... hehehe :p berhubung ga penting, aku sudahi saja deh postingan ini... selamat mikirin kalimat di atas ya... ato baca aja blog lain... hehehe :p
"Is it when u get older the u r expected to get smarter??"
What a good question, i think...
Lalu, kupikirkan kalimat itu...
Sebenarnya, ga juga sih.. klo dipikir2, kita ga harus be smarter when we get older...
i guess, we juz need to be wiser... smart kan belom tentu wise...
Tp kalimat di atas ada benernya juga... kita juga ga bisa stay di kepandaian yg itu2 aja as we get older... contohnya aja, wkt tk, mgkn kita dah seneng bisa ngitung sampe 10, masa klo dah umur 20, tetep aja seneng dengan kepandaian se-anak TK?? huehh... ribet ya klo mikirin hal kayak gini... ga penting sih sebenernya... hehehe :p berhubung ga penting, aku sudahi saja deh postingan ini... selamat mikirin kalimat di atas ya... ato baca aja blog lain... hehehe :p
My Intelligence...
Your Dominant Intelligence is Interpersonal Intelligence |
![]() You shine in your ability to realate to and understand others. Good at seeing others' points of view, you get how people think and feel. You have an uncanny ability to sense true feelings, intentions, and motivations. A natural born leader, you are great at teaching and mediating conflict. You would make a good counselor, salesperson, politician, or business person. |
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Everyone has an ego...
Sumtimes, ego drives us to do what we are doing...
Ego doesn't help us to grow..
coz with ego, we can't grow...
We won't listen to others...
and when our ego grows bigger and bigger more than anything...
it's the time when it'll eat u alive!!
So, the question is, do u want to let your ego wins??
or u prefer to control it and learn to be humble...
Everyone has an ego...
Sumtimes, ego drives us to do what we are doing...
Ego doesn't help us to grow..
coz with ego, we can't grow...
We won't listen to others...
and when our ego grows bigger and bigger more than anything...
it's the time when it'll eat u alive!!
So, the question is, do u want to let your ego wins??
or u prefer to control it and learn to be humble...
Friday, October 20, 2006
u/ seorg teman
mgkn hari ini bukanlah hari yg terbaik
tp hari ini bukanlah hari yg buruk
walau masi sulit untuk menarik seulas lengkung di wajah
warnaku tak sekelabu hari yg lalu
walau aku sendiri
ku tau, aku tidaklah seorang diri
selalu ada yg menemani
dalam senang dan sedih
walau ku tlah sakiti banyak hati
lukai banyak perasaan
masi sll ada yg mau peduli
masi sll hadir seorang kawan
kupelajari lagi satu hal hari ini
bila ku memilih tuk melihat dari suatu sisi
sisi yg positif...
sesuatu yg kelihatan buruk, tidaklah selalu buruk
itu smua tergantung dari sudut mana kita berdiri
tp hari ini bukanlah hari yg buruk
walau masi sulit untuk menarik seulas lengkung di wajah
warnaku tak sekelabu hari yg lalu
walau aku sendiri
ku tau, aku tidaklah seorang diri
selalu ada yg menemani
dalam senang dan sedih
walau ku tlah sakiti banyak hati
lukai banyak perasaan
masi sll ada yg mau peduli
masi sll hadir seorang kawan
kupelajari lagi satu hal hari ini
bila ku memilih tuk melihat dari suatu sisi
sisi yg positif...
sesuatu yg kelihatan buruk, tidaklah selalu buruk
itu smua tergantung dari sudut mana kita berdiri
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
thx mum
doehhhh... kenapa ya gw jadi kecanduan nge-blog en baca2 blog org???
kayak ga ada kerjaan aja... padahal gw banyak yg musti dikerjain...
reports masi belom ada satupun yg selese... mana bsk ada chem test lagi!!
belom belajar pula!!! lengkap lah sudah hidupku ini....
biarpun kesannya skul gw parah bgt...
gw bersyukur masi punya seorg sahabat yg baek yg mo dengerin gw setiap saat...
yg lebih bijak dari gw... lebih sabar dari gw... dan yg pasti sayang ma gw... ^^
haikz... itulah nyokap gw!!! ^^
td gw nelp nykp, rencananya cuma buat ngomong soal colokan kamera...
soalnya dy nanya2 gt ma gw.... daripada gw jelasin lwt sms, mending gw telp lah...
ehhh... akhirannya gw malah jadi curhat... hehehe :p
dah ga sabar mo balik indo... mum... miss ya!!! huhuhu T_T
kayak ga ada kerjaan aja... padahal gw banyak yg musti dikerjain...
reports masi belom ada satupun yg selese... mana bsk ada chem test lagi!!
belom belajar pula!!! lengkap lah sudah hidupku ini....
biarpun kesannya skul gw parah bgt...
gw bersyukur masi punya seorg sahabat yg baek yg mo dengerin gw setiap saat...
yg lebih bijak dari gw... lebih sabar dari gw... dan yg pasti sayang ma gw... ^^
haikz... itulah nyokap gw!!! ^^
td gw nelp nykp, rencananya cuma buat ngomong soal colokan kamera...
soalnya dy nanya2 gt ma gw.... daripada gw jelasin lwt sms, mending gw telp lah...
ehhh... akhirannya gw malah jadi curhat... hehehe :p
dah ga sabar mo balik indo... mum... miss ya!!! huhuhu T_T
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
a day after another...
phew... berlalu juga hari ini...
btw dah lama ya gw ga cerita ttg hari2 gw... ^^
hmm... hari ini sebenernya ga ada yg special... as usual...
minggu ini bakal berlalu dengan cepet...
dan bulan ini bener2 ga kerasa, tw2 dah ditengah bulan...
hari ini, gw ke uni kayak biasa... bangun pagi... jam 6an...
dan masi ngantuk walo dah tdr dari jam 9an.... huehehe :p
hari ini cuma ada lab selama 3 jam... akhirnya chemistry project gw selese juga...
tinggal bikin reportnya deh... T_T
masi ga nyadar juga klo hari ini hari selasa.... gw beranggapan jumat masi lama...
pdhl tinggal 3 hari lagi dah jumat lagi!!! oh no!! kenapa waktu ini muter cepet bgt??!!!
kemana aja gw selama ini?? ngapain aja gw selama ini??
kok tw2 dah pertengahan october??!! kok tw2 2 minggu lagi gw bakal exam??
kok tw2 in about a month gw bakal dah di indo lagi?? gosh!!! time flies!!!
kata guru gw... time flies when u have fun... tp ternyata time flies too when u r not having fun... hehehe :p
td dinner di dessert house ditemenin VQ... (dah lama ga pernah masak lagi....)
trus naek tram pulang... jalan kaki dikit... nyebrang jalan... sampe rumah deh..
trus ganti baju... panas abies!!! hari ini tuh bener2 weathernya ngejek org...
pagi2 dingin... siang panas bgt... malem dingin lagi....
walo siang2 panas gt, gw pake sepatu plus kaos kaki, karena gw ada practical...
menyedihkan.... rasanya kaki gw lagi di sauna... huehehe :p
untung skrg dah cooled down...
udah deh ceritanya... gw musti ngebut ngerjain tugas2 gw yg sudah menanti dan manggil2 gw... hehehe :p tha tha smuanya!!!
btw dah lama ya gw ga cerita ttg hari2 gw... ^^
hmm... hari ini sebenernya ga ada yg special... as usual...
minggu ini bakal berlalu dengan cepet...
dan bulan ini bener2 ga kerasa, tw2 dah ditengah bulan...
hari ini, gw ke uni kayak biasa... bangun pagi... jam 6an...
dan masi ngantuk walo dah tdr dari jam 9an.... huehehe :p
hari ini cuma ada lab selama 3 jam... akhirnya chemistry project gw selese juga...
tinggal bikin reportnya deh... T_T
masi ga nyadar juga klo hari ini hari selasa.... gw beranggapan jumat masi lama...
pdhl tinggal 3 hari lagi dah jumat lagi!!! oh no!! kenapa waktu ini muter cepet bgt??!!!
kemana aja gw selama ini?? ngapain aja gw selama ini??
kok tw2 dah pertengahan october??!! kok tw2 2 minggu lagi gw bakal exam??
kok tw2 in about a month gw bakal dah di indo lagi?? gosh!!! time flies!!!
kata guru gw... time flies when u have fun... tp ternyata time flies too when u r not having fun... hehehe :p
td dinner di dessert house ditemenin VQ... (dah lama ga pernah masak lagi....)
trus naek tram pulang... jalan kaki dikit... nyebrang jalan... sampe rumah deh..
trus ganti baju... panas abies!!! hari ini tuh bener2 weathernya ngejek org...
pagi2 dingin... siang panas bgt... malem dingin lagi....
walo siang2 panas gt, gw pake sepatu plus kaos kaki, karena gw ada practical...
menyedihkan.... rasanya kaki gw lagi di sauna... huehehe :p
untung skrg dah cooled down...
udah deh ceritanya... gw musti ngebut ngerjain tugas2 gw yg sudah menanti dan manggil2 gw... hehehe :p tha tha smuanya!!!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
show me Your ways - hillsong
Show me Your ways
That I may walk with You
Show me Your ways
I put my hope in You
The cry of my heart
Is to love You more
To live with the
Touch of Your hand
Stronger each day
Show me Your ways
That I may walk with You
Show me Your ways
I put my hope in You
The cry of my heart
Is to love You more
To live with the
Touch of Your hand
Stronger each day
Show me Your ways
one drop after another...
it hurts inside that i want to explode...
couldn't explain what this is...
maybe it is sadness... emptiness...
in the darkness... in my loneliness...
try to search for the answer...
answer for no questions...
it hurts inside that i want to explode...
couldn't explain what this is...
maybe it is sadness... emptiness...
in the darkness... in my loneliness...
try to search for the answer...
answer for no questions...
Friday, October 13, 2006
meaning of life...
i believe, i'm not the only person who ask this question...
"What is the meaning of life"... what does your life mean to you?? or to others??
does it have a meaning??
i've thought about it before... when i was in junior high, i didn't find the answer...
now... i'm stumbled on this question again... what is it with life??? why does it seem complicated yet simple... it's unpredictable... it's meaningful yet meaningless.. it's all depends on how you live your life i guess...
i did a search on blogs which talking about meaning of life....
it doesn't amaze me that i'm not the only one who think about this and ask the same questions...
i guess, it's all becoz we are all juz too bz wif ourlives sumtimes... and forgot the point, the purpose of our lives... all we've done in our lives juz become a routinity... life become meaningless... there is one blog that i read, talked about the balance in life between procreation, love, and work... she said that we need to be able to fulfill all of those aspects of ourlives to be able to feel happy... but the next question is... does happiness makes your life meaningful?? aha!! another tricky question... :p
i know i have an answer to my question... but i don't think everyone will be agree wif me...
i believe the meaning of life is to life your life to the fullest with sumthing to focus on and we strive to reach that goal... to have a meaningful life means to have a contented life.... and (for me) the only situation that can make me content and find the meaning of my life is in God... He's the purpose, He's the goal and He's the reason and the meaning of my life... and YOUR life!!
"What is the meaning of life"... what does your life mean to you?? or to others??
does it have a meaning??
i've thought about it before... when i was in junior high, i didn't find the answer...
now... i'm stumbled on this question again... what is it with life??? why does it seem complicated yet simple... it's unpredictable... it's meaningful yet meaningless.. it's all depends on how you live your life i guess...
i did a search on blogs which talking about meaning of life....
it doesn't amaze me that i'm not the only one who think about this and ask the same questions...
i guess, it's all becoz we are all juz too bz wif ourlives sumtimes... and forgot the point, the purpose of our lives... all we've done in our lives juz become a routinity... life become meaningless... there is one blog that i read, talked about the balance in life between procreation, love, and work... she said that we need to be able to fulfill all of those aspects of ourlives to be able to feel happy... but the next question is... does happiness makes your life meaningful?? aha!! another tricky question... :p
i know i have an answer to my question... but i don't think everyone will be agree wif me...
i believe the meaning of life is to life your life to the fullest with sumthing to focus on and we strive to reach that goal... to have a meaningful life means to have a contented life.... and (for me) the only situation that can make me content and find the meaning of my life is in God... He's the purpose, He's the goal and He's the reason and the meaning of my life... and YOUR life!!
waiting room
by shane barnard
i will run when i cannot walk
i will sing when there is no song
i will pray when there is no prayer
i will listen when i cannot hear
sitting in the waiting room of silence
waiting for that still soft voice i know
offering my words up to the rooftop to Your heart
trusting that this closet's where You are
Lord i know if i change my mind
You will change my heart in time
Sovereign Lord this time's from You
so i sit in the waiting room of silence
cause its all about You
i will fight when i cannot feel
i will trust when You dont seem real
i will tell when i cannot speak
i will step when i cannot see
by shane barnard
i will run when i cannot walk
i will sing when there is no song
i will pray when there is no prayer
i will listen when i cannot hear
sitting in the waiting room of silence
waiting for that still soft voice i know
offering my words up to the rooftop to Your heart
trusting that this closet's where You are
Lord i know if i change my mind
You will change my heart in time
Sovereign Lord this time's from You
so i sit in the waiting room of silence
cause its all about You
i will fight when i cannot feel
i will trust when You dont seem real
i will tell when i cannot speak
i will step when i cannot see
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
When trouble comes....
Wkt masalah datang dan menghampiri hidup kita...
Kemana kita kan pergi??
Kepada siapa kita akan bersandar??
Apa yg akan kita lakukan??
Apa kita mampu atasi masalah itu??
Atau malah lari dan bersembunyi,
dan berharap masalah itu pergi dengan sendirinya??
Sekali2 pikirkan lah itu...
Karena apa yg kita lakukan saat masalah datang,
akan menentukan keberhasilan ato kegagalan kita...
Aku memilih untuk menghadapinya, belajar, dan memperoleh keberhasilan...
walau jalan itu tidak mudah... tp aku tw aku bisa, karena Dia besertaku... ^^
Kemana kita kan pergi??
Kepada siapa kita akan bersandar??
Apa yg akan kita lakukan??
Apa kita mampu atasi masalah itu??
Atau malah lari dan bersembunyi,
dan berharap masalah itu pergi dengan sendirinya??
Sekali2 pikirkan lah itu...
Karena apa yg kita lakukan saat masalah datang,
akan menentukan keberhasilan ato kegagalan kita...
Aku memilih untuk menghadapinya, belajar, dan memperoleh keberhasilan...
walau jalan itu tidak mudah... tp aku tw aku bisa, karena Dia besertaku... ^^
Sunday, October 08, 2006
ga pernah tw...
Hidup ini lucu kadang2...
Gw ga pernah tw berapa org yg baca tulisan gw di blog ini, ato blog gw yg laen...
Kadang apa yg gw lakuin cuma nyurahin apa yg gw pikirin...
apa yg gw rasain...
Tp ga pernah nyangka klo bisa punya efek ke org laen...
Tentu itu salah satu harapan gw wkt nulis blog...
Gw selalu berharap bisa bantu org laen...
tp sifat pesimis gw selalu bikin gw berpikir itu hanya mimpi yg semu...
Pdhl sudah terbukti beberapa kali, klo hal itu bisa jadi nyata...
dan sudah menjadi nyata...
Ternyata emang tiap dari kita punya efek, yg bisa mempengaruhi org di sekitar kita...
dan itu ga mustahil...
Kita bisa jadikan sekeliling kita menjadi lebih baik, simply dengan memberi contoh yg baik...
Mulai dari diri kita dulu... ubah sgala sesuatu yg jelek dari kita...
dan kita bisa mengubah dunia... make it better.... a better place... ^_^
Gw ga pernah tw berapa org yg baca tulisan gw di blog ini, ato blog gw yg laen...
Kadang apa yg gw lakuin cuma nyurahin apa yg gw pikirin...
apa yg gw rasain...
Tp ga pernah nyangka klo bisa punya efek ke org laen...
Tentu itu salah satu harapan gw wkt nulis blog...
Gw selalu berharap bisa bantu org laen...
tp sifat pesimis gw selalu bikin gw berpikir itu hanya mimpi yg semu...
Pdhl sudah terbukti beberapa kali, klo hal itu bisa jadi nyata...
dan sudah menjadi nyata...
Ternyata emang tiap dari kita punya efek, yg bisa mempengaruhi org di sekitar kita...
dan itu ga mustahil...
Kita bisa jadikan sekeliling kita menjadi lebih baik, simply dengan memberi contoh yg baik...
Mulai dari diri kita dulu... ubah sgala sesuatu yg jelek dari kita...
dan kita bisa mengubah dunia... make it better.... a better place... ^_^
Life between the DASH
I read of a man who stood to speak
at the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on her tombstone
from the the end.
He noted that first came her date of birth
and spoke the following date with tears,
but he said what mattered most of all
was the 'dash' between those years. (1934 -1998)
For that dash represents all the time
that she spent alive on earth...
and now only those who loved her
know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not, how much we own;
the cars...the house...the cash,
what matters is how we live and love
and how we spend our 'dash'.
So think about this long and hard...
are there things you'd like to change?
For you never know how much time is left,
that can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough
to consider what's true and real,
and always try to understand
the way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger,
and show appreciation more
and love the people in our lives
like we've never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect,
and more often wear a smile...
remembering that this special 'dash'
might only last a little while.
So, when your eulogy's being read
with your life's actions to rehash...
would you be proud of the things they say
about how you spent your 'dash'?
(Author Unknown)
Suatu hari, wkt gw lagi di uni, this story caught my eyes...
Gw baca en bikin gw merenung... sependek itu kah hidup ini... cuma se-dash??
Dan sekali lagi gw bertanya ma diri gw... dah berisi apakah 'dash' gw itu??
Am i happy with what i've done?? is there anything that i could improve in my 'dash'??
I read of a man who stood to speak
at the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on her tombstone
from the the end.
He noted that first came her date of birth
and spoke the following date with tears,
but he said what mattered most of all
was the 'dash' between those years. (1934 -1998)
For that dash represents all the time
that she spent alive on earth...
and now only those who loved her
know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not, how much we own;
the cars...the house...the cash,
what matters is how we live and love
and how we spend our 'dash'.
So think about this long and hard...
are there things you'd like to change?
For you never know how much time is left,
that can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough
to consider what's true and real,
and always try to understand
the way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger,
and show appreciation more
and love the people in our lives
like we've never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect,
and more often wear a smile...
remembering that this special 'dash'
might only last a little while.
So, when your eulogy's being read
with your life's actions to rehash...
would you be proud of the things they say
about how you spent your 'dash'?
(Author Unknown)
Suatu hari, wkt gw lagi di uni, this story caught my eyes...
Gw baca en bikin gw merenung... sependek itu kah hidup ini... cuma se-dash??
Dan sekali lagi gw bertanya ma diri gw... dah berisi apakah 'dash' gw itu??
Am i happy with what i've done?? is there anything that i could improve in my 'dash'??
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
temen ato pacar??
td baru aja nelp temen gw yg di indo... dah lama bgt ga nelp dy...
gw paling seneng ngobrol ma dy, walo dah lama ga contact, pasti begitu ngomong, dah kayak baru ketemu kemaren aja... ^_^ (jadi kangen... pengen cepet2 balik indo...)
buat gw temen itu penting en berharga bgt... gw ga kebayang klo gw musti keilangan temen... apalagi seorang sahabat... td, kita bedua ngomongin soal 2 org sahabat yg lagi berantem... gw sedih juga sih denger mereka berantem... apalagi berantemnya gara2 seorang cowok... menurut gw, tuh cowok ga worth it... ga seberharga persahabatan yg dah mereka punya selama 7 taon... kadang gw berpikir.... segitu rapuhnya kah manusia?? cuma gara2 suatu hal yg bisa dibilang sepele, bisa berubah 180 derajat... (moga2 hal ky gini ga bakal pernah terjadi ke gw)
klo suatu hari gw harus milih antara temen ato co... gw rasa, gw ga bakal ragu2 gw milih temen... itu jawaban gw wkt dulu... tp klo skrg, gw ga bisa bilang 100% gw pasti jawab gt... karena hidup ini punya banyak possibilities... tp gimana pun, gw bakal lebih utamain temen dan sahabat sih daripada co.... hehehe :p sahabat itu susah dicari... klo dibikin perumpamaan, menemukan sahabat tuh, kayak nemuin sebutir mutiara di dlm timbunan pasir... (karang gw ndiri.. :p) makanya klo mo enaknya, cari co yg jadi bisa jadi sahabat.... hehehe :p (duuuhh gw nulis apa ini?! dah mulai ngaco... kayaknya dah ngantuk deh....)
iya nih.. inti tulisan gw sih gitu.... klo lu.. iya, elo yg lagi baca blog ini... lagi menghadapi pilihan antara ngorbanin sahabat ato pacar... gw saranin, lu pikir lagi deh bener2 klo lu sedang mempertimbangkan buat sacrifice persahabatan lu.... is he or she worth enuf to sacrifice your friendships??
gw paling seneng ngobrol ma dy, walo dah lama ga contact, pasti begitu ngomong, dah kayak baru ketemu kemaren aja... ^_^ (jadi kangen... pengen cepet2 balik indo...)
buat gw temen itu penting en berharga bgt... gw ga kebayang klo gw musti keilangan temen... apalagi seorang sahabat... td, kita bedua ngomongin soal 2 org sahabat yg lagi berantem... gw sedih juga sih denger mereka berantem... apalagi berantemnya gara2 seorang cowok... menurut gw, tuh cowok ga worth it... ga seberharga persahabatan yg dah mereka punya selama 7 taon... kadang gw berpikir.... segitu rapuhnya kah manusia?? cuma gara2 suatu hal yg bisa dibilang sepele, bisa berubah 180 derajat... (moga2 hal ky gini ga bakal pernah terjadi ke gw)
klo suatu hari gw harus milih antara temen ato co... gw rasa, gw ga bakal ragu2 gw milih temen... itu jawaban gw wkt dulu... tp klo skrg, gw ga bisa bilang 100% gw pasti jawab gt... karena hidup ini punya banyak possibilities... tp gimana pun, gw bakal lebih utamain temen dan sahabat sih daripada co.... hehehe :p sahabat itu susah dicari... klo dibikin perumpamaan, menemukan sahabat tuh, kayak nemuin sebutir mutiara di dlm timbunan pasir... (karang gw ndiri.. :p) makanya klo mo enaknya, cari co yg jadi bisa jadi sahabat.... hehehe :p (duuuhh gw nulis apa ini?! dah mulai ngaco... kayaknya dah ngantuk deh....)
iya nih.. inti tulisan gw sih gitu.... klo lu.. iya, elo yg lagi baca blog ini... lagi menghadapi pilihan antara ngorbanin sahabat ato pacar... gw saranin, lu pikir lagi deh bener2 klo lu sedang mempertimbangkan buat sacrifice persahabatan lu.... is he or she worth enuf to sacrifice your friendships??
Sunday, October 01, 2006
diantara dua (ato lebih) pilihan...
Pernah ga sih ngalamin di dlm hidup ini, kita dihadapin kepada 2 pilihan ato lebih, dimana kita musti milih.... kadang i wish gw bisa berada di dua tempat sekaligus... kita kadang ga bisa decide mana yg harus kita pilih, mana yg lbh penting, mana yg lebih seru, mana yg harus diutamain, etc...
Misalnya apa yg baru gw alamin kemaren... bukan sesuatu yg penting sih... tp i wish gw bisa ngelakuin dua2nya at the same time, walo gw tw ini gw mgkn...
Kemaren temen gw ada yg ngajakin nginep di rumahnya... dy lagi ndirian di rumah.. trus gw pikir, bole juga... gw blm pernah nginep di tmpnya.... kan mayan nyobain suburb... lagian stiap dy ngajakin ngapain, pasti gw batal mulu buat pegi ma dy... jadi gw pikir skrg bisa gw pake buat nutupin "utang2" gw gitu... bisa skalian ntn2 en ngobrol2 juga...
ehhh, dasar gwnya pikun.. gw lupa klo beberapa hari sebelomnya, gw dah janjian ma temen, mo kasi surprise ke temen gw yg ultah hari ini... rencananya tuh kasi surprise pas midnite... which means... gw ga bisa nginep di tmp temen gw yg ngajak nginep itu!!! >_< duhhh gw feel bad abis... kan dy ndirian.. gw pengen nemenin... tp gw juga dah ngomong oke ke "surprise bday party"... jadi ga bisa donk gw batalin gt aja... akhirnya ya gw stay with my 1st plan, yaitu ke bday temen gw...
Klo di situasi gw di atas, mgkn ga telalu susah buat ngambil keputusan... gw ga telalu nyesel sih ma keputusan yg dah gw ambil... gw ini kan ceritanya tukang ngeramein surprise partynya... klo gw ga jadi dtg, mgkn bakal rada sepi... en gw bakal kecewa, coz i wasnt there to celebrate the happiness wif her.... tp gw jadi feel bad karena gw tw temen gw yg ngajak nginep itu lagi ndirian di rumahnya... gw sih cuma berharap dy pulang n lgs tdr... jd ga kerasa kesepiannya... hehehe :p
Mgkn kadang i push myself too hard... pengen nyenengin smua org... tp gw dah diajarin berkali2 ma hidup ini, gw ga bisa nyenengin smua org... kadang kita musti sacrifice sumthing, and take it easy... ga perlu telalu kecewa wkt kita gagal buat nyenengin smua... karena yg important tuh bukan quantity, tp quality... walo kita cuma bisa nyenengin satu org, tp klo saat itu adl saat dimana org itu paling butuhin kita, dan kita dedicate wkt kita, focus ke dy doank... i guess itu bakal jadi sesuatu yg sangat berharga, lebih dari apapun.... lebih dihargain dari apapun juga... yg penting niatnya... ^^
Misalnya apa yg baru gw alamin kemaren... bukan sesuatu yg penting sih... tp i wish gw bisa ngelakuin dua2nya at the same time, walo gw tw ini gw mgkn...
Kemaren temen gw ada yg ngajakin nginep di rumahnya... dy lagi ndirian di rumah.. trus gw pikir, bole juga... gw blm pernah nginep di tmpnya.... kan mayan nyobain suburb... lagian stiap dy ngajakin ngapain, pasti gw batal mulu buat pegi ma dy... jadi gw pikir skrg bisa gw pake buat nutupin "utang2" gw gitu... bisa skalian ntn2 en ngobrol2 juga...
ehhh, dasar gwnya pikun.. gw lupa klo beberapa hari sebelomnya, gw dah janjian ma temen, mo kasi surprise ke temen gw yg ultah hari ini... rencananya tuh kasi surprise pas midnite... which means... gw ga bisa nginep di tmp temen gw yg ngajak nginep itu!!! >_< duhhh gw feel bad abis... kan dy ndirian.. gw pengen nemenin... tp gw juga dah ngomong oke ke "surprise bday party"... jadi ga bisa donk gw batalin gt aja... akhirnya ya gw stay with my 1st plan, yaitu ke bday temen gw...
Klo di situasi gw di atas, mgkn ga telalu susah buat ngambil keputusan... gw ga telalu nyesel sih ma keputusan yg dah gw ambil... gw ini kan ceritanya tukang ngeramein surprise partynya... klo gw ga jadi dtg, mgkn bakal rada sepi... en gw bakal kecewa, coz i wasnt there to celebrate the happiness wif her.... tp gw jadi feel bad karena gw tw temen gw yg ngajak nginep itu lagi ndirian di rumahnya... gw sih cuma berharap dy pulang n lgs tdr... jd ga kerasa kesepiannya... hehehe :p
Mgkn kadang i push myself too hard... pengen nyenengin smua org... tp gw dah diajarin berkali2 ma hidup ini, gw ga bisa nyenengin smua org... kadang kita musti sacrifice sumthing, and take it easy... ga perlu telalu kecewa wkt kita gagal buat nyenengin smua... karena yg important tuh bukan quantity, tp quality... walo kita cuma bisa nyenengin satu org, tp klo saat itu adl saat dimana org itu paling butuhin kita, dan kita dedicate wkt kita, focus ke dy doank... i guess itu bakal jadi sesuatu yg sangat berharga, lebih dari apapun.... lebih dihargain dari apapun juga... yg penting niatnya... ^^
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